Let’s Review for the SLO Test! Pages 9-14
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY Prokaryote Unicellular Prokaryote Eukaryote Eukaryote Heterotroph Eukaryote Multicellular Autotroph Eukaryote Multicellular Heterotroph
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY Natural Selection Galapagos Islands Finches Origin of Species
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY Homologous Structures a common ancestor DNA sequence a common ancestor
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY DNA Embryology Vestigial organs Appendix older Absolute/Radiometric
Discussion- Watch video first! Why did one shrink and one grow? Corn Syrup: Water diffused OUT of the egg because there was more water in the egg than the corn syrup. Cup of water: More water was in the cup of water than the egg, so the water diffused into the egg.
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY grassland Coniferous forest tundra tundra rainforest Freshwater
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY Coniferous Estuary Grassland Desert Deciduous Temperate/Deciduous
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY lake river estuary ocean salt freshwater
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY producer autotrophic Heterotroph/Consumers consumer ABIOTIC biotic Herbivore/primary consumer Omnivore species
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY community population ecosystem biosphere Energy Scavengers carnivore
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY plants/grass rabbit fox hunter hunter fox hawk snake rabbit plants increase
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY parasitism mutualism mutualism symbiosis parasitism commensalism
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY mutualism limiting factors sunlight water SPACE/competition for food extinction
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY
SLO Review Packet: ANSWER KEY tundra rainforest