Monmouth Presbytery Summer Youth Mission Experience for Hurricane Sandy Relief
WHEN? July 14-18, 2014
WHO? All Youth & Adults (ages )
WHERE? Camp Evans
WHERE? Visitation Relief Center
TYPICAL DAILY SCHEDULE 8-9:00 am Depart for Worksite 9-10:00 am Group Devotional & Begin Work at Site Noon Sack Lunch Together (provided by home church) 3-4:00 pm Work Day Ends/Travel to Evening Host Church/Shower/etc. 6:00 pm Dinner at Host Church 7:00 pm Evening Fellowship/Worship/Bible Study 8:00 pm Return to Home/Host Church
WHO WAS INVOLVED LAST YEAR? Belmar Presbyterian Church Trinity Presbyterian Church Manasquan Presbyterian Church Cranbury Presbyterian Church Bordentown Presbyterian Church Lincroft Presbyterian Church Westminster Presbyterian Church (Albany, NY)
WHO/WHAT DO WE NEED THIS YEAR? YOU!! Volunteers to work at the sites each day. Volunteers to help provide at least one evening meal to a host church.
HOW DO I SIGN-UP? Contact Claude Heller or Amy Weltner and let them know your interest. Amy – Claude - Dont forget to spread the word to others and invite them join us!
WHAT WILL VOLUNTEERS NEED? A heart for serving Christ & others! A willingness to work hard! All people working along the shore will also need: Closed-Toed Shoes Long Pants Work Gloves Patience We are currently still in the early phases of disaster relief. Our final work sites wont be determined until probably the week before we go, as the relief needs change almost daily.
Some pictures from the 2013 Trip…