Why do we measure? What are the reasons we measure? Why is it important to measure in science?
Find the length, weight, volume, or temperature Gather data Track growth Find the length, weight, volume, or temperature Collect accurate measurements
In science, it is VERY IMPORTANT to measure ACCURATELY!
The Metric System
In science, we use the Metric System. Scientists had to come up with a uniform way of measuring things. Why?
Can you think of any items in the grocery store or department store that is measured in the metric system? What about the shoe store?
The Metric System is used by all scientists.
Why Metric? Easy to use because: 1. It names units systemmatically, 2. It uses multiples of 10.
1 2 There are 2 parts to every measurement: 1. Number 2. Unit or Standard of Measure 52 cm 1 2
Understanding Metric Prefixes Symbol Meaning kilo k 1000 Thousand hecto h 100 Hundred deka da 10 Ten deci d 0.1 Tenth centi c 0.01 Hundredth milli m 0.001 Thousandth
Metric Line: This line will help you to convert easily. kilo hecto deka deci centi milli m l g (meters, liters, Grams)
Meter - Metric unit of length We use a metric tape, meter stick, or ruler
balance or spring scale. Gram - Metric unit of mass (Mass - is the amount of matter in an object.) We use a triple beam balance or spring scale.
Liter - Metric unit of liquid volume We use a graduated cylinder or beaker.
Degrees Celsius - metric unit to measure temperature We use a thermometer.
When using the triple beam balance: - Check that the pointer swings freely along the scale. - Place the object to be massed on the pan. - Move the riders along the beams beginning with the largest mass first. - Make sure all riders are in the notch before reading. - The mass of the object is the sum of the masses on the beams beginning with the largest.
Using the graduated cylinder or beaker: The surface of liquids in glass cylinders is often curved. This curved surface is called the meniscus. Always read a meniscus from the point of the curve. Get eye level with the liquid to record an accurate reading. Get eye level and read from bottom of curve.
Measurement Lab Students will accurately measure in SI unit to determine volume, area, mass, length, and temperature.
Procedure: You will work in groups of two. Each person will need pen and lab sheet. Begin at the station written on the top of lab paper and continue in order until you return to the station you began with. You must decide which measuring instrument to use for each station. Refer to notes if you need to. All measurement instruments are located in lab on cabinets. Each measurement must have a number and unit.
Which metric unit would you use to measure the width of the window? Review Which metric unit would you use to measure the width of the window? Meter Which metric unit would you use to measure how much sugar to add to a recipe? Gram Which metric unit would you use to measure how much water to add to your kool-aid? Liter
You may begin. Remember do not round! Accuracy is important!