Metric System If you have been outside of the United States you have been exposed to the metric system. You may have noticed that in the United States that some products have the Metric System printed along side the English system. The United States will someday switch to the metric system and catch up to the rest of the countries.
Every country except the US uses the metric system (excluding US scientists) This system is known as the SI or International System of Units. The metric system is a measuring system that is based on the multiples of 10. 1, 10, 100, 1000
Mass –the amount of matter in an object, and the basic unit is a gram (g). Weight- how strongly gravity pulls on the matter.
Measuring mass
Graduated Cylinder Used when measuring the amount of liquid. Usually read in milliliters or liters. Meniscus – is the area where the liquid dips in the cylinder and is the are you measure.
Volume – Solids or Liquids Solid volume – when measuring the dimensions of a solid you must measures it’s length times it’s height times it’s weight. Solid volume-(using liquid) unusually shape- use a graduated cylinder and water displacement Meter (m) - the basic unit of length. Also used are: (cm) centimeter, (mm) millimeter, (dm) decimeter.
Volume – Liquid Basic unit of measuring the volume of a liquid is a liter (L), or milliliter (mL)
How to read a graduated cylinder How to read a graduated cylinder. Look at the dip in the liquid, (meniscus) not the clinging water on the edges.
Temperature – Used to find the amount of heat in a liquid Basic unit of temperature- Degree’s Celsius (ºC)
Newtons – Used to find the amount of force Tools – spring scale Basic unit is the Newton (N)
Time – Used to find the amount of seconds something takes to move from one place to another Tools – stop watch or clock Basic units - (sec), (hr), (min)
Tools and what they measure Meter stick – length, width and height. Graduated cylinder – Liquid volume Thermometer – Temperature/ Degree Celsius Triple beam balance – Mass Digital Balance - Mass