Taekyoung Kwon tkkwon@snu.ac.kr Logic Design Taekyoung Kwon tkkwon@snu.ac.kr
Time and place Class Time: 11:00 am– 12:15 pm, Mon. and Wed. Lab (Prof. Chang, Naehyuck) Time: 11am – 1 pm, Tue. and Thu. Place: 302-310-2
grading Two exams 2*30% Attendance 20% Homework or quiz
TA Kwak, Myungchul (web manager for logic design lab) Jobs Course web management Homework/quiz evaluation office: 138-317 tel: 876-7170 mckwak@mmlab.snu.ac.kr
Course web http://mmlab.snu.ac.kr -> Courses -> Undergraduate -> Logic design 2012 Fall ID and passwd
cheating If you cheat in the exam or homework, you will get F E.g., the persons giving the information and those using it are BOTH cheating and will receive F Assume that you should do you own homework unless otherwise stated You can help other students to solve the homework but you should not just give solutions
textbook Contemporary logic design Randy Katz, Gaetano Borriello 2nd edition Prentice Hall
syllabus Introduction Combinational Logic Design Working with Combinational Logic Combinational Logic Technologies Case studies for Combinational Logic Mid-term Exam Sequential Logic design Finite State Machines Working with Finite State Machines Sequential Logic Technologies Case studies in Sequential Logic Design Final exam
Office hours One hour before the classes (on Mon. and Wed.)
Eagle 5