The Three Most Common Ways To Become A U.S. Citizen By: Lewis Hykes
Jus Sanguinis (Right of Blood) The first way that a person can obtain American citizenship is jus sanguinis, or right of blood. This method of gaining American citizenship is an automatic method that bases a person’s right to American citizenship on their parents’ citizenship. A child is given American citizenship automatically if at least one of their parents is a legal U.S. citizen at the time of their birth. This is true even if the child is born outside of the U.S. or its territories.
Jus Soli (Right of Birthplace) The second way that a person can obtain American citizenship is jus soli, or right of birthplace. This is another automatic citizenship method, however, this method is based on where the child is born. If a child is born in the United States they are automatically granted American citizenship regardless of the citizenship of his or her parents. Citizenship is granted to the child even if their mother has entered the United States illegally. The only restriction to gaining American citizenship through this method is placed on children born in the United States to parents who are foreign diplomats at the time of their child’s birth.
Naturalization For all other situations, naturalization is the most common way that a foreign-born person can try to gain American citizenship. To qualify for naturalization you must meet a number of prerequisites. The first is an age restriction. In order to apply for naturalization you must be at least 18 years of age.
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