POR FAVOR, ESCRIBE EN TU CUADERNO LAS SIGUIENTES FRASES: The sky is very blue. It ___________ another warm day today. (be) Almodovar ____________ another film next year. (make)
Échale un vistazo a las siguientes frases… He’s going to climb a mountain in the Antarctic. He isn’t going to stop making TV series. What are you going to do? USAMOS“BE GOING TO” PARA HABLAR DE PLANES E INTENCIONES FUTURAS. ¿QUÉ FORMA VERBAL VA SEGUIDA DE “BE GOING TO”?
USAMOS “BE GOING TO”… *I’m going to be a doctor when I grow up. PARA HACER PREDICCIONES BASADAS EN PRUEBAS. CUANDO TENEMOS LA INTENCIÓN DE HACER ALGO. PARA HABLAR DE ALGO QUE YA ESTÁ PLANEADO. *The sky is grey. It’s going to rain. *I’m going to be a doctor when I grow up.
MÁS EJEMPLOS… FORMAS CONTRAÍDAS: -’m / ‘m not -’re / aren’t -’s / isn’t PARA HABLAR DE PLANES E INTENCIONES FUTURAS: We’re going to go out ____ the weekend. I’m going to buy a new computer. She’s going to have a holiday. They’re going to see the film. AFFIRMATIVA NEGATIVA INTERROGATIVA RESPUESTAS CORTAS I am going to (=VOY A) I am not going to Am I going to…? Yes, I am/No, I am not You are going to You are not going to Are you going to…? Yes, you are/No, you are not He/She/It is going to He/She/It is not going to Is he/she/it going to…? Yes, he/she/it is/No, he/she/it is not We are going to We are not going to Are we going to…? Yes, we are/No, we are not Yes, you are/No, we are not They are going to They are not going to Are they going to…? Yes, they are/No, they are not