Doppler Effect (Ch. 12 Sec 12 7 p.338 – 342) Demo: Whirling Bell Change in frequency of the sound from a moving object as the object moves past some observer. Show Example of waves undergoing Doppler Effect
Doppler Effect For a moving source of the sound the equation for the stationary observed frequency is: f ‘ = v v + us f Where: f ‘ = observed frequency f = frequency of the source v = speed of the sound us = speed of source + is used when source is moving away from observer - is used when source is moving towards from observer
Doppler Effect For a moving observer the frequency of observed stationary sound source is: f ‘ = v + uo v f Where: f ‘ = observed frequency f = frequency of the source v = speed of the sound uo = speed of observer + is used when observer is moving towards the source - is used when observer is moving away from source
Doppler Effect Example 1 Calculate the range of frequencies of an ambulance siren that holds a frequency of 330 Hz if the ambulance drives past you at 38 m/s if the speed of sound is 340 m/s? f ‘ = v v + us f f ‘ = 340 m/s 340 + 38 330 Hz f ‘ = 330 Hz x 1.126 f ‘ = 330 Hz x 0.8995 f ‘ = 371 Hz f ‘ = 297 Hz
Doppler Effect Example 2 Calculate the range of frequencies of an stationary ambulance siren that holds a frequency of 330 Hz if you drive by the ambulance at 38 m/s if the speed of sound is 340 m/s? f ‘ = v + uo v f f ‘ = 340 330 Hz 340 + 38 f ‘ = 330 Hz x 1.112 f ‘ = 330 Hz x 0.888 f ‘ = 366 Hz f ‘ = 293 Hz
Doppler Effect Example 3 A jet aircraft is travelling at you with a speed of 150 m/s and is emitting a sound of a frequency of 2500 Hz. The speed of sound is 320 m/s at this location. What is the change in the plane’s frequency as it flies past you? f ‘ = v v + us f f ‘ = 320 320 + 150 2500 Hz f ‘ = 2500 Hz x 1.882 f ‘ = 2500 Hz x 0.681 f ‘ = 4705 Hz f ‘ = 1702 Hz Δf ‘ = 3000 Hz
Doppler Effect Sonic Boom A special case of the Doppler effect where the object generating the wave is actually moving faster than the wave. This creates a “bow” wave of a super-wave that follows the moving object Sonic Boom Explanation Video of a Sonic boom in flight.
Doppler Effect Do Problems: #49 – 51, 53 – 55 on p. 348 – 349 of your text book Note: For #55 beat frequency = Δf
Doppler Effect Do Problems from p. 318 - 321 # 38, 51, 52, 54 The End