ATCA/Mopra report Phil Edwards ATUC meeting 6 November 2007
Monday 13 Aug 2007
7mm system 7mm automatic translators operational ATCA calibrator database being updated with C007 data Courtesy: Lovell
ATCA issues On-line safety inductions for all visitors CA01 azimuth oscillations reduced Dry air added to all 12mm feed horns New 3mm receiver with noise cal on CA02 Shutdown for CABB in APR08 semester
CA02 October 2007
CA02 October 2007
WVRs Prototype Water Vapour Radiometers already installed on CA03 and CA04 ARC LIEF funding received, subject to ATNF PRB approval, to outfit all antennas with improved WVRs
New chklev command in caobs for mm observing (see the ATCA Current Issues webpage) Investigation of UCHII regions as 7mm and 3mm amplitude calibrators (thanks to AT20G) On-going NASA tracks to demonstrate readiness for 32 GHz spacecraft tracking Site generators used to relieve grid during occasional peak periods
Courtesy: Ellingsen & Breen
Mopra issues Successful mm season Installation of 7mm receiver over the summer Replacement of Mopra UPS over the summer Characterisation testing in progress Mopra-Darnhall 12,300km VLBI baseline! More details from
EXPReS ATCA, Mopra, Parkes real-time transfer of VLBI data at 512 Mbps to the JIVE correlator 12-hour 21cm observation of SN1987A, October 8th More details from Courtesy: Tingay
Recent papers IC5063: AGN driven outflow of warm and cold gas Morganti, Holt, Saripalli, Oosterloo, Tadhunter, A&A, in press (arXiv:0710.1189) ATCA observations of the very young Planetary Nebula SAO 244567 Umana, Trigilio, Cerrigone, Buemi, Leto, Submitted to MNRAS (arXiv:0710.1145) The extragalactic radio-source population at 95 GHz Sadler, Ricci, Ekers, Sault, Jackson, De Zotti, Submitted to MNRAS, (arXiv:0709.3563) An ATCA 20cm Radio Continuum Study of the Large Magellanic Cloud Hughes, Staveley-Smith, Kim, Wolleben, Filipović, MNRAS, in press (arXiv:0709.1990) ATCA 1.2 cm Observations of the Massive Star Forming Region G305.2+0.2 Walsh, Chapman, Burton, Wardle, Millar, (arXiv:0707.2622) The VSOP 5 GHz Active Galactic Nucleus Survey: V. Imaging Results for the Remaining 140 sources Dodson, Fomalont, Wiik, Horiuchi, Hirabayashi, et al., ApJS, in press (arXiv:0710.5707) The Australia Telescope 20 GHz (AT20G) Survey: The Bright Source Sample Massardi, Ekers, Murphy, Ricci, Sadler, Burke, et al., Submitted to MNRAS (arXiv:0709.3485) Recent papers