Document Examination Chapter 16
What does a document examiner do? Examine handwritten and typescript to ascertain the source or authenticity Identify alterations like overwriting, erasures, etc Establish authenticity of written documents like letters, checks, driver’s licences, contracts, wills, voter registration, passports, petitions, and lottery tickets
Can you tell if this money is counterfeit?
Why would someone forge a document?
Handwriting Comparisons Examiners gather documents of known authenticity or origin to compare Uniqueness of handwriting is definitive
General Style At first we learn to copy standard letter forms & handwriting will have only minor differences from others The writing process becomes unique when nerve and motor responses become subconscious Habitual shapes and patterns distinguish our writing
Variations in Writing Variations are found in: Angularity Slope Speed Pressure Letter & word spacing Relative dimensions of letters Connections Pen Movement Writing Skill Finger dexterity
The arrangement can also vary Look for differences in the arrangement of Margins Spacings Crowding Insertions Alignment Spelling Punctuation Grammar Phraseology
So how can you make a conclusion? Examiners look for a sufficient number of common characteristics between the known and questioned documents. They make comparisons between known and questioned documents Could you successfully disguise your handwriting?
Can you disguise writing? Writing habits may be disguised for a few words or sentences, but writing habits become more difficult to hide when asked to write more. Questioned authors may be asked to provide writing samples. Exemplars are authentic samples used for comparison purposes Are the exemplars reliable?
Exemplars Writing may vary or be altered by the influence of drugs or alcohol Styles and habits may alter: From pen to pencil If paper is ruled or unruled
Natural Variations Natural Variations are normal deviations found between repeated specimens of handwriting Variations are inherent. No 2 signatures are the same – even copied signatures can be identified this way Basic writing styles and changes occur slowly The age of the questioned document is important and should be compared to known samples of the same age or within 2-3 years
What do you notice about these signatures?
Can you tell the signature was traced?
How can you get a good writing sample from a suspect? Write comfortably with no distractions Do not help with spelling or punctuation Use similar pencil/pen to questioned document Obtain at least one page of sample writing from suspect Include signatures with the writing texts Dictate the same words or text as in the questioned document