Reconstruction on trees and Phylogeny 3 Elchanan Mossel, U.C. Berkeley, Supported by Microsoft Research and the Miller Institute 1/18/2019
Phylogeny “Phylogeny is the true evolutionary relationships between groups of living things” Noah Shem Japheth Ham Cush Kannan Mizraim 1/18/2019
History of Phylogeny Prehistory: “animal kingdom” or “plant kingdom.” Intuitively: More scientifically: morphology, fossils, etc. Darwin … But: Is a human more like a great ape or like a chimpanzee? No brain, Can’t move Stupid Walks Stupid Swims Stupid Flies Too smart Barely moves 1/18/2019
Molecular Phylogeny Molecular Phylogeny: Based on DNA, RNA or protein sequences of organisms. Rooted / Unrooted trees: Evolution from common ancestor modeled on a rooted tree. Usually reconstruct unrooted trees. Mutation mechanisms: Substitutions Transpositions Insertions, Deletions, etc. Will only consider substitutions and assume sequences are aligned. Noah acctga Shem Japheth Ham acctaa acctga acctga Put Cush Kannan Mizraim acctga 1/18/2019 acctga agctga acctga
Genetic substitution models and trees Assumption 1: Letters of sequences (“characters”) evolve independently and identically. Assumption 2: Trees are binary -- All internal degrees are 3 (bifurcating speciation; results valid if degrees are ¸ 3). Given a set of species (labeled vertices) X, an X-tree is a tree which has X as the set of leaves. Two X-trees T1 and T2 are identical if there’s a graph isomorphism between T1 and T2 that is the identity map on X. u u Me’ v Me’ Me’’ Me’’ w w d a c b d a b c c a b d 1/18/2019
Substitution model – finite state space Finite set A of information values (|A| = 4 for DNA). Tree T=(V,E) rooted at r. Vertex v 2 V, has information σv 2 A. Edge e=(v, u), where v is the parent of u, has a mutation matrix Me of size |A| £ |A|: Mi,j (v,u) = P[u = j | v = i] Will focus on the CFN model: A character is (v)v 2 T. For each character , the data is T = (v)v 2 T, where T is the boundary of the tree; |T| = n. We are given k independent characters 1T,…, kT. 1/18/2019
A diagram Length of sequence! Interested to know k = #characters needed to reconstruct the tree with n = #leaves, given a range [max,min] for mutation rate . 1/18/2019
Phylogeny: Conjectures and results Statistical physics Phylogeny Binary tree in ordered phase conj k = O(log n) Binary tree unordered conj k = poly(n) Percolation critical = 1/2 Random Cluster M-Steel2003 CFN M-2003 Ising model critical : 22 = 1 Sub-critical representation High mutation M-2003 Problems: How general? What is the critical point? (extremality vs. spectral) 1/18/2019
Cavendar-Farris-Neyman model: The CFN model Cavendar-Farris-Neyman model: 2 data types: 1 and –1 (“purine-pyrimidine”) Mutation along edge e: with probability (e) copy data from parent. Otherwise, choose 1/-1 with probability ½ independently of everything else Thm[CFN] Suppose that for all e, 1 - > (e) > > 0. Then given k characters of the process at n leaves, It is possible to reconstruct the underlying topology with probability 1 - , if k = nO(-log ). Steel 94: Trick to extend to general Me provided that det(Me) [-1,-1+] [- , ] [1 - , 1], 1/18/2019
Phase transition for the CFN model Th1[M2003]: Suppose that n=3 £ 2q and T is a uniformly chosen (q+1)-level 3-regular X-tree. For all e, (e) < , and 22 < 1. Then in order to reconstruct the topology with probability > 0.1, at least k = (n(-2log2() - 1)) characters are needed. Proof: Information theoretic variant of the proof for random cluster model. Same proof applies to any model for which the reconstruction problem is unsolvable. more formally, for models for which I(,n) decays exp. fast in n. 1/18/2019
CFN Logarithmic reconstruction Th2[M2003]: If T is an X-tree on n leaves s.t. For all e, min < (e)< max and 22min > 1, max < 1. Then k = O(log n – log ) characters suffice to reconstruct the topology with probability 1- . Need either a “balanced tree” – all leaves at the same distance from a root. Or, “molecular clock” – (e) = e-t(e), where t(e) is the time interval between the two endpoints of the interval + all leaves are at the same time. 1/18/2019
Main Lemma [M2003] Lemma: Suppose that 2 min2 > 1, then there exists an L, and > 0 such that the CFN model on the binary tree of L levels with (e) min, for all e not adjacent to ∂T. (e) min , for all e adjacent to ∂T. satisfies E[σr Maj(σ∂)] . Roughly, given boundary data of “quality ”, we can reconstruct the root data with “quality ”. In phylogeny – can treat known pieces of the tree as vertices. Main problem: how to reconstruct pieces of the tree? 1/18/2019
Metric spaces on trees Let D be a positive function on the edges E. Define D(u,v) = {D(e) : e 2 path(u,v)}. Claim: Given D(v,u) for all v and u in T, it is possible to reconstruct the topology of T. Proof: Suffices to find d(u, v) for all u, v 2 T where d is the graph metric distance. d(u1,u2) = 2 iff for all w1 and w2 it holds that D’(u1,u2,w1,w2) := D(u1,w1)+D(u2,w2) –D(u1,u2)–D(w1,w2) ¸ 0 (“Four point condition”). w1 u1 w1 u1 w2 u2 w2 u2 1/18/2019
Metric spaces on trees Continue by replacing known sub-trees T on vertices (v1,…,vr) by a single vertex v. The distance between (v1,…,vr) and (u1,…us) is defined as d(v1,u1). D’(u1,u2,w1,w2) > 0 ) D’(u1,u2,w1,w2) 2 min_e D(e). Suffices to have D with accuracy min_e D(e)/4. 1/18/2019
Metric spaces on trees Let T be a balanced tree. The L-topology of T is d¤(u,v) := min{d(u,v},2L}. Claim: If T is balanced, then in order to recover the L-topology of T it suffices to have For each leaf u of T a set U(u) containing all elements at distance · 2L+2 from u. For all u and all w1,w2,w3,w4 2 U(u) the sign of D’(w1,w2,w3,w4). “proof”: If d(u1,u2) > 2, then either u2 is not in U(u1), or Let v be a sister of u1 and v’ a cousin of v. D’(u1,v,u2,v’) > 0. We have a witness that u1 and u2 are not siblings. u2 v’ v u1 1/18/2019
Proof of CFN theorem Define D(e) = - log (e). D(u,v) = -log(Cov(v,u)), where Cov(v, u) = E[vu]. Estimate Cov(v, u) by Cor(v, u) where Need D with accuracy m = min D(e)/4 = c, or Cor = (1 c)Cov. Cor(v, u) is a sum of k i.i.d. 1 variables with expected value Cov(v, u). Cov(v, u) may be a small as 2 depth(T) = n-O(-log ). Given k = nΩ(-log ) characters, it is possible to estimate D and therefore reconstruct T with high probability. 1/18/2019
Reconstructing the topology [M2003] The algorithm: Repeat the following: Reconstruct the topology up to l levels from the boundary using 4-points method. For each sample, reconstruct the data l levels from the boundary using majority algorithm. + - - + Reconstruction near the boundary take O(log n) samples. By main lemma quality stays above . 1/18/2019
Proving main Lemma Need to estimate E[σr Maj(σ∂)]. Estimate has two parts: Case 1: For all e adjacent to ∂T, (e) is small. Here we use a perturbation argument, i.e. estimate partial derivatives of E[σr Maj(σ∂)] with respect to various variables (using something like Russo formula). Case 2: Some e adjacent to ∂T has large (e). Use percolation theory arguments. Both cases uses isoperimetric estimates for the discrete cube. 1/18/2019