Tplan Graphical Notation Stephan Schulz
History STF 346 (IMS Network Conformance ATS) developed test purposes in textual TPLan TISPAN6 (Telekom Austria & Deutsche Telekom) review test purposes and claims “test purpose [syntax] is not readable” STF 346 (FOKUS) makes a graphical/tabular proposal which is accepted by TISPAN6 Included development of a Java prototype tool (oogenie) which is able to generate an open office document from a specific style of textual TPLan test purposes (some manual work is still needed) Textual notation remains reference and is attached in electronic annex Same notation is the also used in INT IMS core network interoperability test specifications Here maintenance has been an issue, i.e., sometimes only graphical notation is updated but textual is neglected
About the format Objective was to find a format which is more MSC or GFT like and “reasonably easy” to generate from textual TPs Avoid “programming like feel”, i.e., no curly brackets or underscores Defined a simple mapping basic TPLan keywords into graphical symbols Required certain “style” of Tplan writing Example: specify stimuli and response always starting with “IUT sends” or “IUT receives”
An example Ç Ã Ä È P Test Purpose Identifier: TP_IMS_5055_01 Summary: The P-CSCF receives a 180 response to an initial request for a dialog from the UE IUT Role: IMS A References: TS124.229(V7.14.0) Clause ¶17 (2nd numbered list) Config Ref: CF_ROAM_CALL Entities Condition UE A IMS B UE B P UE A registered in IMS A UE B registered in IMS B UE B has received an initial request for a dialog from UE A Step Direction Message IF 1 Ç Ã 180 response 2 Ä È 180 response ü a Record-Route header è the P-CSCF SIP URI and port number of IMS A where it expects subsequent requests û a comp parameter û a P-Preferred-Identity header ü a P-Asserted-Identity header ü the public identity sent in P-Called Party-ID header sent in the initial request
Another example Ä È Ç Ã P Test Purpose Identifier: TP_IMS_5097_04 Summary: S-CSCF uses ENUM/DNS to translate Tel URIs to SIP URIs in initial INVITE requests IUT Role: IMS A References: TS124.229(V7.14.0) Clause ¶1 Config Ref: CF_INT_CALL Entities Condition UE A DNS B IMS B UE B P UE A registered in IMS A UE B registered in IMS B DNS B configured with an ENUM entry for Tel URI E.164 Number of UE B Step Direction Message IF 1 Ä È initial INVITE addressed to UE B ü a Request URI è a Tel URI 2 DNS Query ü the Tel URI E.164 Number 3 Ç Ã DNS Response ü NAPTR Resource Record è the SIP URI of UE B 4 initial INVITE ü a Request URI è a SIP URI of UE B ü a P-Charging-Vector header û an access-network-charging-info parameter
Open Issues For some time now there has been a request to discuss at MTS level how to proceed with this Extend TPLan standard to include a graphical format – yes or no? Standardize this graphical format? Or another? What needs to be taken into consideration is that the trigger for this has been another ETSI TC! A general resistance in edithelp towards tabular or graphical specification of main standard text This is not a problem when we talk about annexes So far issues have been mainly encountered with test descriptions (see IMS NNI IOT TDs)