Social Media in the Workplace Should we go online? Sounding off your workplace in Social Media
What comprises social media? Any form of electronic communication, i.e., websites or blogs, [used to] share information, ideas, and personal messages in social networks. (Merriam Webster, 2018) Parenthetical, which means the citations appear in the text of your paper. Also a reference list we’ll get to later.
Why would we need social media at work? According to Forbes (2016) Social Media can help “humanize” the work place. A “company page” or a “workgroup site” shows transparency and connects the workplace to everyday people. Parenthetical, which means the citations appear in the text of your paper. Also a reference list we’ll get to later.
Examples of At-Work Social Media Yellowleaf Hammocks “about us” page Les Swchab Tire center “our story” page. CB&T Synovus “Our Story” These “stories” tell: Company’s vision Workplace environment Workplace tone Purpose and goal Who are the employees? Parenthetical, which means the citations appear in the text of your paper. Also a reference list we’ll get to later.
How does it work? Company chooses a Media Point of Contact All photographs and newsworthy items are sent to him/her Media POC updates all media every Monday (Kissmetrics, 2017) Effective Platforms: Workplace Instagram Facebook page Daily blog Twitter Updates “Hall of Fame” Pinterest YouTube channel of daily routines. Parenthetical, which means the citations appear in the text of your paper. Also a reference list we’ll get to later.
The Rule Book Effective Platforms: Workplace Instagram Facebook page Only the Media POC has access to posting and moderating. Employees are not to react or comment on posts. The use of social media is not personal; it is to showcase the workplace Effective Platforms: Workplace Instagram Facebook page Daily blog Twitter Updates “Hall of Fame” Pinterest YouTube channel of daily routines. Parenthetical, which means the citations appear in the text of your paper. Also a reference list we’ll get to later.
Who is Who in the Social Media Game? Intro: In these citation, they call for three things.
Who is Who in the Social Media Game? Intro: In these citation, they call for three things.
Who is Who in the Social Media Game? Intro: In these citation, they call for three things.
What makes the winning formula? Finding the right media that fits your work culture, atmosphere, and goal. (Doyle, 2017) Intro: In these citation, they call for three things.
Where to Start? Test your work environment and check for candidates. All social media work titles change depending on the workplace. Use what you need. Use what is simple at first. Gather the positive pictures that make you stand out, and start there. (Doyle, 2017) Intro: In these citation, they call for three things.
Look for more examples Intro: In these citation, they call for three things.
References Doyle, A. (2017) Social Media Job Titles The Balance (2017) The Science of Social Timing Merriam Webster “Social Media” *Definition* Intro: In these citation, they call for three things.