Periodic table terms
Shape of the table A result of the pattern of electron configuration
Period Horizontal row on the periodic table elements in the same period share the same highest energy level as you move across a period the properties change drastically
Group (AKA family) Vertical column on the periodic table Share the same number of valence electrons & often share similar properties
Memorize names of 4 families Group 1 – Alkali metals Group 2 – Alkaline earth metals Group 17 (7A) – Halogens Group 18 (8A) – Noble gases D block (groups 3-12) Transition metals
Inert Unreactive or non-reactive The noble gases are the only family that is inert.
Energy level The highest energy level orbital that electrons occupy in that atom. 1s22s22p63s23p64s23d8 For example, elements in row 4 has valence (outermost) electrons in the 4th energy level
Valence electron Electrons in the outermost (highest) energy level of the atom. 1s22s22p2 The number of valence electrons is indicated by the number at the top of the column for example, the 2A group has 2 valence electrons.
Periodic Law elements are grouped with similar properties if they are arranged according to atomic numbers
Diatomic Molecules made of 2 atoms. Some elements (H,N,O,F,Cl,Br,I) do NOT exist as individual atoms but are paired with another atom of that same element.
Ionization energy The amount of energy required to remove a valance electron Higher in small atoms
Electronegativity The attraction for an electron in a bond Higher in small atoms