AE 2350 Design Project David Eger Peter Pociask Pi - 42
Design Requirements Crew - 2 Engines - 2 Payload - 10,000 Lbs. 1500 Mile Radius with 45 min. reserve Top speed - Mach 2.0 @ 30,000 ft. Take off and landing over a 35 foot obstacle - 6000 Feet
Influences in the Design of the Pi -42 Design Influences Influences in the Design of the Pi -42
SU -27 General Planform
F-15 Similarity to design requirements
F-16 Bubble Cockpit
YF -23 Ruddervators
Mig -29 Upper Air Intakes
Design Estimates From Homework 5 Original Estimates: Engines: 2 x EJ200 Gross Weight: 40,000 lb Payload: 10,000 lb Wing Area: 320 sq. ft. Aspect Ratio: 3.2 Top Speed: Mach 2.3 Cruise Speed: ~Mach 1.0 SFC: .74-.81 (dry), 1.66-1.73 (wet) We thought that we would model our plane after the F-16, which was similar in weight and aspect ratio to our original estimates.
A Problem of Range However, our flying radius was a mere 750 knots. To increase our radius, we increased our weight to allow for more fuel. While playing with weight, however, we found ourselves swapping formulas in an odd way.
Landing Distance The landing distance was unable to be met without adversely effecting every other design parameter. Attempts: up Wing Area, up Aspect Ratio, decrease Sweep
Why Not Use a High Aspect Ratio? From a pure drag standpoint, having a high aspect ratio is good. The power needed to maintain cruise is minimal with a high aspect ratio; this is the reason why gliders use such narrow, long wings.
Why Not Use a High Aspect Ratio?
Solution to Landing Problem
Final Numbers Top Speed: Mach 2.0 Cruise Speed: ~Mach 0.8 Range: 3,500 Statute Miles Takeoff Distance: 3700 ft. Landing Distance (extrapolated from Fig 15.35): 7250 ft. Gross Weight: 45,000 lb Payload: 10,000 lb Wing Area: 560 sq. ft. Aspect Ratio: 3.5 Wing Span: 44 ft. Plane Length: 63 ft.
Some images of our aircraft. Pictures Some images of our aircraft.
Pi-42 3D Model
Pi-42 over Red Square
Credits DON’T PANIC Macromedia Extreme 3d and 3D Studio Max Caffeine. Lots. Jane’s All the Worlds Aircraft. Douglas Adam’s comforting words: DON’T PANIC Special Thanks to Brian Dolan, Nick Ehret, and as always, our roommates for not killing us in our sleep.