Passive voice is used when the focus is on the action. It is not important who or what is performing the action. E.g.: My bike was stolen
Subject + Verb to be + Past Participle (depend of the tense) E.g.: A letter was written.
TenseSubjectVerbObject Simple Present Active:Ritawritesa letter. Passive:A letteris writtenby Rita. Simple Past Active:Ritawrotea letter. Passive:A letterwas writtenby Rita. Present Perfect Active:Ritahas writtena letter. Passive:A letterhas been writtenby Rita. Future IActive:Ritawill writea letter. Passive:A letterwill be writtenby Rita. Modal verbs Active:Ritacan writea letter. Passive:A lettercan be writtenby Rita.
I. Write passive sentences in Simple Present 1) the documents / print / not _______________________________________________ 2) the window / open _______________________________________________ 3) the shoes / buy / not _______________________________________________ 4) the car / wash _______________________________________________
II. Write passive sentences in Simple Past 1) the test / write _______________________________________________ 2) the house / build / not _______________________________________________ 3) the car / stop _______________________________________________ 4) this computes / sell / not _______________________________________________
III. Write passive sentences in Present Perfect 1) the postcard / send / not _______________________________________________ 2) the door / close _______________________________________________ 3) the beds / make / not _______________________________________________ 4) the money / spend _______________________________________________
IV. Write passive sentences in Future I 1) the exhibition / visit _______________________________________________ 2) the message / read / not _______________________________________________ 3) a dictionary / see / not _______________________________________________ 4) these songs/ sing _______________________________________________