qqH;H->rr 肖虹 2009.04.03
The result of cut-based method I use haven’t use jet correction The result of cut-based method I use haven’t use jet correction. However, I use jet correction in the method of TMVA. Compare these two results may have some problem. So I add jet correction into my code and do it again. The result is as follows:
events(normalized to 1) VBF*100 rbox rborn rjet jets 总事例数(/fb) 1200 36000 45000 600000 4800000 r Pt cut 566.117 47.176% 3162.86 8.786% 4599.99 10.222% 145484 24.247% 130533 2.719% Higgs pt cut 361.164 30.097% 228.837 6.357e-3 149.901 3.331e-3 31441.6 5.24% 41195.2 8.582e-3 Track iso 228.058 19.005% 154.298 4.286e-3 81.8652 1.819e-3 2390.09 3.983e-3 3669.18 7.644e-4 Ecal iso 141.296 11.775% 99.9565 2.777e-3 55.7208 1.238e-3 589.355 9.823e-4 602.299 1.255e-4 Hcal iso 103.91 8.659% 73.4716 2.041e-3 47.0397 1.045e-3 453.176 7.553e-4 481.147 1.002e-4 Jet tag1 46.9607 3.913% 16.4625 4.573e-4 5.75378 1.279e-4 40.7567 6.793e-5 58.8453 1.226e-5 Inv mass of jets 33.9118 2.826% 9.94611 2.763e-4 3.73491 8.3e-5 10.6744 1.779e-5 24.2304 5.048e-6
Number of events VBF rbox rborn rjet jets 总事例数 124700 944691 445794 1854908 1386686 r Pt cut 80827 64.817% 127867 13.535 72421 16.245% 664778 35.839% 78484 5.66% Higgs pt cut 54678 43.848% 11156 1.181% 3875 8.692e-3 178532 9.625% 30635 2.209% Track iso 26417 21.184% 6680 7.071e-3 2081 4.668e-3 13452 7.252e-3 2264 1.632e-3 Ecal iso 14980 12.013% 4264 4.514e-3 1425 3.197e-3 3142 1.694e-3 311 2.242e-4 Hcal iso 11038 8.852% 3163 3.348e-3 1206 2.705e-3 2440 1.315e-3 260 1.875e-4 Jet tag1 4943 3.964% 743 7.865e-4 149 3.342e-4 215 1.159e-4 36 2.596e-5 Inv mass of jets 3561 2.856% 444 4.7e-4 96 2.153e-4 68 3.666e-5 14 1.01e-5 Tmva result (the same signal) 3545 18 2 40 12 Uncor result 3531 212 22 6
Events after every cut