TIGP: Computing biology II - Analysis of Categorical Data Hsuan-Yu Chen Institute of Statistical Science, Academia Sinica http://www.stat.sinica.edu.tw/hychen/
Textbooks: Rosner, B. (2000), Fundamentals of Biostatistics (5th Edition), Duxbury, Pacific Grove Rothman and Greenland (1998), Modern Epidemiology (2nd Edition), Lippincott-Raven, Philadelphia The sides are extracted from textbooks.
Prospective study measurement onset Time Time baseline
Retrospective study disease normal sampling
Incidence proportion
Question 1: proof Question 2: Small sample methods for single study and two study groups, respectively
Two-sample test for binomial proportions
Question 3: Find a R X C table and test the association of two variables Question 4: Perform the trend test for above R X C table
Fisher’s Exact Test
2 23 25 5 30 35 7 53 60
followed chi-square distribution under Ho Question 5 proof followed chi-square distribution under Ho Question 6 If ND/4 <5, please using exact test to compute the p value
κ > 0.75 excellent reproducibility 0.4 < κ ≦ 0.75 good reproducibility 0 ≦ κ < 0.4 marginal reproducibility
Question 7 proof