SCOOP Training -- April 2014 1/18/2019 SCOOP for the department business manager Session 4. VT Foundation and other queries
Agenda Questions and Review from Session 3 Exercise 21 – Proof your funds Exercise 22 – Wage Payroll Exercise 23 – Jobs Queries Exercise 24 – End of Year Tasks Exercise 25 – Foundation Summaries Exercise 26 – Foundation Cash Balances Exercise 27 – Foundation General Ledger Exercise 28 – Foundation Gifts Exercise 29 – Foundation Operating Transactions
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 Hands-on Exercise 21: Proof your funds 1/18/2019 The Question: Show funds that may have an available residual (unspent direct balance from a fixed-price sponsored project that can be transferred to a Various fund). Open the workbook Scoop Session 4 (proofing).xlsx. Get on tab Fundlist, edit the Scoop for your department and run. Get on tab Revenue, edit for the earliest fiscal year you need (based on the START DATE of the funds) and run. Copy the results into the Revenue column of tab REPORT. Run the Scoop in each of the following tabs, and copy the results into the corresponding column in tab REPORT: Expense, DirectBal, IndBal, and DirectBud The formulas in tab REPORT should point you to possible funds to check for available residuals (where the Residual amount is positive).
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 1/18/2019 Hands-on Exercise 21 continued: The Banner Fund by Account report gives you the same information Select INCEPTION to DATE and SUMMARY
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 Hands-on Exercise 21 continued: The Banner Fund by Account report looks like this: SCOOP Training -- April 2014 1/18/2019
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 Hands-on Exercise 21 continued: More info on Residuals 1/18/2019 Be aware that when OSP moves the residual amount into a Various fund, they REDUCE the Revenue without changing the budget or actual expenses, which brings the Cash Balance to zero. You can also ask OSP to proof the Indirect on a fund in situations where the indirect budget has not been spent because of changes to the project such as: You hired a GRA instead of a post-doc so there are more tuition charges You bought more equipment than planned. This can leave extra indirect budget in the fund. With NSF and DOD sponsors you may be allowed to re-budget those dollars to a direct line. This will require OSP to proof the indirect to make sure it’s been charged correctly. (this information courtesy of Ginger Clayton in Computer Science)
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 Hands-on Exercise 22: Wage Payroll 1/18/2019 The Question: Show wage payments made during a semester. Open workbook Scoop Session 4.xlsx. Get on tab Wage Payroll, edit the Scoop for your department and run. Note how you can vary the query to search for a particular person, account code, organization, pay period, fund code, etc.
SCOOP Training -- April 2014 Hands-on Exercise 23: Jobs Queries SCOOP Training -- April 2014 1/18/2019 The Question: Show Job information. Get on tab 23-Current, edit the Scoop for your department and run. Remember a JOB = an EMPLOYEE in a POSITION, and is identified by the combination ID + Position + Suffix (e.g., 904882341 + FA9034 + 00) Get on tab 23-Funding, edit for your department and run. This expands the list to show the Banner funds where the pay will be charged Get on tab 23-Snapshot, edit for your department and run (add funding_salary_amt). This captures job information at the end of a prior month Get on tab 23-Trend, edit for your department and run. This shows that multiple prior months can be pulled Get on tab 23-Jobs History, edit for a specific person and run (add job_annual_salary_amt). This shows the full history of all job changes on an individual
Hands-on Exercise 24: Use Scoop to help with Finance End of Year tasks What’s my 208 and Overhead Budget Balance Available (BAVL)? What expenses can I journal from 208 to Overhead? What are the balances by individual 208 fund? What 208 balances should I manually roll forward? What 208 and Overhead funds can be terminated or moved to a different Organization? 1/18/2019
Exercise 24 continued: Question 1: Show me my 208 and Overhead Budget Balance Available (BAVL). Open the workbook Scoop Session 4 (end of year tasks).xlsx. Get on tab BAVL, edit Scoop for your department and run. If you like, login to Banner screen FGIBAVL and verify the Scoop numbers. The Key Columns: DEPARTMENT_CODE -- and -- BUDGET_AVAIL_FUND_CODE 1000 = 208 B80303 = Overhead 1/18/2019
Exercise 24 continued: Question 2: List possible Overhead expenses that can be journaled to 208 funds to bring down the overall 208 balance. Get on tab JV, edit for your department and run. This identifies operating expenses in Overhead funds, summed by account code and possibly allowable by the Controller for transfer to a corresponding 208 fund. ACCOUNT GROUP CODE = ‘OD’ (limits to non-labor expenses) DEPT FUND CATEGORY CODE =‘04’ (limits to Overhead funds) 1/18/2019
Exercise 24 continued: Question 2 continued... Sum, edit and sort the JV results as necessary to be able to cut and paste into the Journal Voucher form 1/18/2019
Exercise 24 continued: Question 3: Show me 208 balances by individual fund. Get on tab BalByFund, edit Scoop for your department and run. DEPT FUND CATEGORY CODE limits to State funds (not cost-sharing) 1/18/2019
Exercise 24 continued: Question 4: List the 208 balances I need to manually bring forward in the new fiscal year. On the BalByFund results, sort and edit as necessary to be able to copy the fund numbers you want to make manual budget transfers to in the new year. Copy the fund numbers into tab fundlist. Get on tab BalForward and run. If you do this after the old year is finished, these will be the amounts you probably want to transfer. 1/18/2019
Exercise 24 continued: Question 5: List active 208 and Overhead funds that can either be terminated or moved to another organization. Get on tab Funds to Terminate, edit for your department and run. This identifies all active 208 and Overhead funds, and the balance figure indicates activity during the year. Sort to find the funds with ZERO balance. These might be considered for termination at year end. Or… the Controller’s office will also change the organization number on a fund at yearend, so you can examine this list for those possibilities. 1/18/2019
Hands-on Exercise 25: VT Foundation Summaries The Question: Reproduce the numbers in the VTF Fund Balance Summary Banner report (by Fund Category and Program). Open the workbook Scoop Session 4 (VT Foundation).xlsx. Get on tab FundBal, open Scoop, edit for your department and run. Copy the results to a new tab named FundBal edited. Insert a column to the left of column B (Fund Agency Code), label it “Sequence” and manually insert the following values: For all records: “C-Other” For Fund Agency Code 60 (use a filter): “A-Endowment” For Fund Agency Code 21: “B-Income” Sort the sheet by Organization Code, Sequence, Program Code, and Fund Code. The lines should match the Banner report order. 1/18/2019
Exercise 25: VT Foundation Summaries 1/18/2019
Exercise 26: VTF Cash Balances The Question: Reproduce the numbers in the VTF Fund Cash Balance Banner report. Get on tab CashBal, open Scoop, edit for your department and run. Results should match the Banner report. 1/18/2019
Exercise 26: VTF Cash Balances 1/18/2019
Select FUND TYPE CODE of ‘20’ or ‘80’ Matching to the VTF Fund Cash Balance report Select FUND TYPE CODE of ‘20’ or ‘80’ 1/18/2019
Exercise 27: VTF General Ledger The Question: Reproduce the numbers in the VTF General Ledger Balance & Transactions Banner report. Get on tab Gen Ledger, open Scoop, edit for a single Banner fund number and run. Results should match the Banner report. The TRANS AMOUNT is derived as follows: If Credit Amt is nonzero, use it. Otherwise if Debit Amt is nonzero, make it negative and use it. If Normal Balance Ind = ‘D’, reverse the sign. 1/18/2019
General Ledger only (‘G’) Nonzero Credit or Debit Amount Matching to the VTF General Ledger Balance & Transactions report General Ledger only (‘G’) Nonzero Credit or Debit Amount 1/18/2019
Exercise 27: VTF General Ledger 1/18/2019
Exercise 28: VTF Gifts The Question: Reproduce the numbers in the VTF Total Gifts Summary Banner report. Get on tab Gift Summary, open Scoop, edit for your department and run. This should match the report. Get on tab Gift Trans, open Scoop, edit for a single Banner fund number and run. This provides a breakdown of each transaction. 1/18/2019
Gifts are recorded in Account codes ‘001xxx’ Matching to the VTF Total Gifts Summary Banner report Gifts are recorded in Account codes ‘001xxx’ 1/18/2019
Exercise 28: VTF Gifts 1/18/2019
Exercise 29: VTF Operating Transactions The Question: Reproduce the numbers in the VTF Operating Ledger Transactions Banner report. Get on tab Trans, open Scoop, edit for a single fund number and run. This should match the report. 1/18/2019
Ledger ‘O’ gets the Operating Ledger Matching to the VTF Operating Ledger Transactions Banner report Ledger ‘O’ gets the Operating Ledger 1/18/2019
Exercise 29: VTF Operating Transactions 1/18/2019