Present Active and Passive Infinitives Present Active Infinitive = 2nd Principal Part of the Verb Pres. Pres. Perf. Perf. Act. Act. Act. Pass. Indic. Infin. Indic. Participle 1st conjugation voco vocare vocavi vocatus - call 2nd conjugation moneo monere monui monitus - warn Reg. 3rd conjugation rego regere rexi rectus - rule “io” 3rd conjugation capio capere cepi captus - take 4th conjugation audio audire audivi auditus - hear Irreg. Verb “to be” sum esse fui - be
Present Infinitives (Page 206) Present Active Infinitive = 2nd Principal Part of the Verb Active Voice Passive Voice 1st conj. vocare to call vocari to be called 2nd conj. monere to warn moneri to be warned Reg. 3rd conj. regere to rule regi to be ruled “io” 3rd conj. capere to take capi to be taken 4th conj. audire to hear audiri to be heard Irreg. “to be” esse to be
Review of the Imperative Mood = Command (Pages 206 - 207) Regular Verbs Imperative Mood 2nd person singular = present stem of the verb voco vocare = voca - (you) call moneo monere = mone - (you) warn rego regere = rege - (you) rule capio capere = cape - (you) take audio audire = audi - (you) hear 2nd peson plural = present stem of the verb + te voco vocare = vocate - (you) call moneo monere = monete - (you) warn rego regere = regite - (you) rule capio capere = capite - (you) take audio audire = audite - (you) hear
Irregular Verb Imperative Mood sum esse - be 2nd person singular = es - (you) be 2nd person plural = este - (you) be
Negative Command English = Don’t + verb Don’t fight. Don’t = do not = (you) do not wish or (you) be unwilling Don’t fight = (you) do not wish to fight (you) be unwilling to fight to fight = present active infinitive 2nd principal part of the verb pugno pugnare fight to fight = pugnare Don’t = 2nd person singular = noli 2nd person plural = nolite
Don’t fight = 2nd person singular = noli pugnare Negative command Don’t fight = 2nd person singular = noli pugnare 2nd person plural = nolite pugnare Examples (Verb = stand = sto stare) Stand, boys and girls. Don’t stand, boys and girls. (you stand), boys and girls. (you) do not wish to stand, boys and girls. Verb Noun Conj. Noun Verb Infin. Noun Conj. Noun 2nd Pl. Dir. Add. 2nd. Pl. Pres. Dir. Add. Pres. Vocative Pres. Act. Vocative Act. Mas. Fem. Act. Compl. Mas. Fem. Imperative Pl. Imperative Pl. State, pueri et puellae. Nolite stare, pueri et puellae.