Let’s match some needs!
If you are someone who gets really anxious when it is too quiet you could: Have a fan and turn the fan on when it gets too quiet Scream so that it isn’t quiet anymore Use your headphones and turn on some of your favorite music Sit in your anxiety and get absolutely no work done
If you are someone that has a hard time reading small print you could: Just not have to read anything Have the print made larger Have someone help you read text that can’t get bigger Read it small anyway
If you are someone who is overwhelmed by large crowds or loud noises you could: Run away Find someone who may be able to help you Have a room or space you can go to and take a break Just sit in agony and pain until it ends
If you are someone who needs it to be quiet to do work you could: Use noise canceling headphones Never do work when it’s loud Have a quiet room that you could use if it got too loud Yell at everyone to be quiet
If you have a hard time remembering something like a skill or directions the first time around you could: Only do it once and never again Have the skills/instructions written down on paper Quit whenever something new comes in Have a coworker or someone at your job help you to practice the skill over and over until you nail it
If you are someone that cannot sit still for longer than 30 minutes you could: Stand while you’re doing your work Sit anyway and go crazy so you don’t get in trouble Create a schedule where you can take a walk around every 30 minutes Just get up whenever you want and be really disruptive
PARKING LOT THOUGHT!!! Circle the answers you think match! 1. If you are someone who is overwhelmed by large crowds or loud noises you could: a. Run away b. Find someone who may be able to help you c. Have a room or space you can go to and take a break d. Just sit in agony and pain until it ends
2. If you are someone who hates when your schedule changes you could: a. Get super upset whenever there is a schedule change b. Ask your boss/manager to alert you before a schedule change happens c. Quit when there is a schedule change no one told you about d. If the schedule changes but no one tells you, create a plan with your boss/manager on what you can do to calm down (like take a break in a quiet room