Suradnički trendovi u školskom knjižničarstvu – Hrvatska i svijet


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Presentation transcript:

Suradnički trendovi u školskom knjižničarstvu – Hrvatska i svijet Mihaela Banek Zorica Odsjek za informacijske znanosti, Filozofski fakultet, Sveučilište u Zagrebu

The We-Feeling “Among these problems, and above all is the current lack of a feeling of togetherness in Europe, the lack of a "we-feeling", which is fundamentally necessary for what Winkler calls "Project Europe" to succeed in the long term.” WINKLER, Heinrich August (2007). The Values of Europe are the Values of the West: Why the European Union Urgently Needs to Develop a "We-Feeling". Die Welt, 27 December 2007. Online. shared-values-are-values-of.html Accessed on 19 January 2007. Helen Boelens, Proljetna škola, 2008.

Međunarodna suradnja IFLA – School libraries and resource centers IASL – Međunarodna udruga školskih knjižničara ENSIL – europska mreža školskih knjižničara Nacionalne mreže školskih knjižničara

“School library as a place of learning” EU Konferencija - Wels, Austria, 26-28.4.2007. Austrijska vlada Pokušaj okupljanja europskih školskih knjižničara

Ensil organizacija Veljača 29 – 2008, članovi ENSIL-a dogovorili formalizaciju organizacije u zakladu “Amsterdam Statement on School Libraries and Information Literacy International research shows that the quality of students' learning outcomes is greatly enhanced by effective school libraries. All learners in each country of Europe are entitled to quality school library/media centres and services. In order to achieve this, each country in Europe, and the European Union, should adopt and implement the principles of the IFLA / UNESCO School Library Manifesto

International School library Day, Rim The Library: a Partner with the school in the Educational Process. Reflections, practices and perspectives Organizatori: Goethe Institut Sezione Lazio e CNBS, Biblioteca Europa ROma Sveučilište Rom Tre, Facoltà di Scienze della Formazione, Filiera Educativo Pedagocia Svečilište u Zagrebu, Filozofski fakultet, Odsjek za informacijske znanosti, Lasić-Lazić, Banek Zorica: The School Librarian’s Education and Job Profile in Kroatia, 2007

Hrvatska i Europa Zakoni Neprepoznavanje važnosti školskih knjižničara od strane držanih institucija Zajednički rad na europskom nivou

one of ENSIL's founding mothers Kathy Lemaire has been awarded an OBE (Order of the British Empire) in the Queens New Year's Honours List, for services to Education.

ECIS konferencija European Council on International Schools 2 hrvatska predstavnika Konferencija se održava jednom u 3. godine Prijedlog i potreba češćih sastanaka i razmjenom iskustava

Projekti "Rede de bibliotecas escolares" THEKA Spasiti školske knjižnice (započet prije 10 godina) THEKA Portugal, Calouste Gulbenkian Project for Teacher Education to Develop School Libraries i Udruga knjižničara Portugal (BAD) 3 osnovna cilja: Training teachers to develop schools libraries as resource centres to improve reading, information literacy, pupils success and learning, as well as to provide support for lifelong learning and gateways to knowledge and culture. Developing school library projects working closely with pupils, staff, and community, through managing and supporting the school curriculum and extra-curricular activities in order to promote a whole-school ethos. Creating and maintaining self-training resources using a wide range of different supports including web pages, database, reference documents, information on research and innovation. Biblioscuole (The Biblioteche nelle Scuole) Italija Povezati škole i knjižnice, osigurati pristup infomracijama, promicati informacijsku pismenost i čitanje, te pridonijeti cijeloživotnom obrazovnaju SLAM], GrandSLAM i SLAMIT. Sokrates projekt (Češka, Danska, Norveška i VB, kasnije se pridružili Irska, Litva, Portugal i Španjolska) SLAMIT – nastavlja se na uspjehe ova 2 projekta

Proljetna škola Gosti iz europe: Helen Boelens (Nizozemska) Luisa Marquardt (Italija) Lourense Das (Nizozemska) Zvjezdana Dukić (Hong Kong)

IASL 2008. USA 2009. Zeleno svjetlo za Italiju, Padova Okrugli stol “Training of school librarians and information specialists” 2009. Zeleno svjetlo za Italiju, Padova

Maria José Vitorino, 2007. hibridni bibliotekar Miguel Horta, 1996

(O’Reilly, 2005)

TIK (Carlos Lenkersdorf) Alex Wong, 2007.

Alex Wong, 2007.