Teaching Reading 黃心怡 (Stella Huang) 臺北市私立新民國小 臺北市國小英語輔導團
Reading materials: Textbooks Nursery rhymes, songs and poems Story books Jokes Signs Posters Bookmarks Home-made books Websites Daily life
Parts of a Book Book Cover (Front Cover & Back Cover) Title Page (title, author, illustrator, publisher) Copyright Page Table of Contents Contents Glossary Index
Book Cover Front Cover 1. Title 2. Author 3. Illustrator 4. Publisher Back Cover 1. About this book 2. ISBN (International Standard Book Number)
Sharing books with unique design Books with different shapes Books with different sizes Books using different materials Books with different songs Books with sound effects Books with holes Pop-up books Books with other designs
Sharing books with different features Rhyming words Repeating structures Cumulative content and language Interlocking pattern Familiar sequences
Before you read … Look at the picture on the cover. Read the title. Guess what the book is about. Make some predictions. — Who are the characters in the story? — Where does the story take place? — What do you think will happen?
After you read … Check your predictions. Reread your favorite part. Retell or reread the story to a friend. Write about the story in your journal. 5. Draw a picture of your favorite part.
Responding to a story Give the story a new ending. Rewrite the story with different characters. Rewrite the story using a different setting. Perform your favorite part of the story. Publish your story by making your own book.
Extended Activities Songs & Chants Role Play (Drama) Reader’s Theater Arts & Crafts Worksheets Make-a-book
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