Preliminary Task 1: Slide Show
Shot 1: Aerial Shot / High Angle The nanny is alone after the parents left to go work. Explanation of Choices: To show that the nanny is by herself, weak, scared and looking for the kids. It is an aerial shot to show the nanny from the top and what she’s doing.
Shot 2: Master Shot / Low Angle All the kids are standing in a circle, planning the pranks that there are going to do to their nanny. Explanation of Choices: To show the powerful or threatening kids with the low angle and the master shot that has all the kids together.
Shot 3: Over the Shoulder / Eye level A kid is throwing a ball at the nanny. Explanation of Choices: To show separately how the nanny is scared and feeling weak from the kid’s pranks.
Shot 4: Master Shot / Low Angle The kids are leaning on the stairs. Explanation of Choices: The low angles makes the kids larger than normal and shows how powerful the kids are.
Shot 5: Point Of View Shot (POV) / Eye Level The girl is running around the nanny with toilet paper. Explanation of choices: This shot shows the scene through the view of the nanny. The girl’s facial expressions show how she’s giving the smerk look to the nanny.
Shot 6: Two shot / Eye level The boy is spraying Lysol in the nanny’s eyes. Explanation of Choices: A shot establishes their relationship or link between the boy and the nanny. In this case, the boy is hurting the nanny.
Shot 7: Close-up / Eye level A picture of a boy holding a bottle spray of Lysol Explanation of Choices: A close-up of the Lysol spray shows that it’s a spray that can’t be sprayed at someone’s eyes and the boy is spraying it at the nanny.
Shot 8: Medium Close Up / Eye Level The boy is holding the bottle spray of Lysol and spraying it towards the nanny. Explanation of Choices: This scene shows the boy normally from the shoulder up. It also allows the audience see the emotions on his face and the evil smerk.
Shot 9: Master Shot / Canted Angle The kids are pushing the nanny out the door. Explanation of Choices: The camera is tilted at an angle, disorienting to establish the tension and confusion of the nanny while they are pushing her.
Shot 10: Extreme Close-up / Eye Level The boy is sticking his tongue out to the nanny. Explanation of Choices: The shot stresses the importance of the tongue sticking out of the boy’s mouth and how he’s happy to do the pranks and kick her out of the house.
Shot 11: Aerial Shot / High Angle The boy and the girls are splashing water on the nanny that is running away from their house Explanation of Choices: This shot is taken from a high angle, from a bird’s point of view to show the characters and what they is doing.
Shot 12: Close-up / Eye Level The nanny is trying to get in the house but the door is locked and she can’t get in. Explanation of Choices: focuses attention on the locked door knob and that the nanny is holding it, trying to open the door but it’s locked.
Shot 13: Master Shot / Eye Level The kids are celebrating as the nanny is outside looking down the door window to let her in. Explanation of Choices: The master shot shows the ending with all the characters in all the recent shots, celebrating because they’ve accomplished their pranks and finally kicked the nanny out of the house.
Critical Reflection 1.a. The three techniques I used more than once were: Master Shot, Aerial Shot, and Close-Up The Master Shot was very important because I showed all the characters. In this preliminary task my partner and I chose scenes that had four kids and a nanny. The Aerial Shot showed the view from the top to show what is happening to the nanny and the pranks they are doing to her. It gives the watcher a better view of what is happening. The Close-U shows the shot taken at a close range. The image is 80% of the frame and focuses attention on a specific object. I learned the Shot types and angles in my Aice Media Studies class from a packet that explains them. 1.b. My production skills improved tremendously throughout this project. I learned different shot types and angles that help give the watchers better view of the scenes. I improved establishing a meaning behind the scene. 1.c. I integrated technology online in this project.