Praxair At A Glance A Fortune 300 company with 2008 sales of $10.8 billion One of the largest industrial gases companies worldwide and the largest in North and South America Operations in more than 30 countries 27,000 employees One million customers worldwide Praxair : Praxis (practical application) + Air
A Sterling Reputation One of only 16 companies on Forbes “Honor Roll” of best-managed companies A component of the Dow Jones Sustainability Index – 6 years Rated most shareholder-friendly among chemical companies (Institutional Investor) Among Fortune’s “Most admired” chemical companies Praxair is one of only 16 companies to be included in Forbes magazine”s Honor Roll of best-managed companies every year since the list was begun in 1999. Factors such as good governance and strategic positioning are evaluated in addition to financial performance. The Dow Jones Sustainability Index includes companies that have rated highly on social, economic and environmental performance. Praxair has been selected for the Index for six consecutive years. Institutional Investor magazine has named Praxair the most “shareholder-friendly” among chemical companies for three consecutive years. In addition to financial performance, companies are rated on disclosure practices, accessibility of top management, transparency and governance. Fortune magazine says its “Most Admired” list is “the definitive report card on corporate reputations. In March 2008, Praxair was ranked #4 behind BASF, DuPont and Dow. Air Products was #6.
Our Vision & Mission Our Vision Be the best-performing industrial gases company in the world as determined by our customers, shareholders, suppliers, employees and the communities in which we operate. Mission Meet customer expectations all of the time Deliver safe and environmentally acceptable products on time Operate facilities to ensure employee and community safety Improve customers' ease of doing business with Praxair Remain committed to continuous quality improvement
Strategic Global Position Industrial Gases Sales by Region North America 55% South 18% Europe 14% Asia 8% Excludes worldwide sales of Praxair Surface Technologies (5% of total sales)
Products & Applications 항공·우주산업관련 연료용 및 기체제작 공정용 산업용 가스 화학, 제약, 바이오산업 관련 분위기 (atmospheric) 및 원료가스 반도체, 전기, 전자 생산 공정용 가스 및 설비 석유화학 정제공정용 가스 및 설비 식·음료용 첨가 가스 및 냉동처리용 가스 의료용 가스 및 공급설비 금속가공 및 용융처리 설비 및 기술 제공 폐수정화처리 기술 및 설비 유리가공, LCD, LED 등 Display 제조 공정용 가스 산업용 특수가스 및 희귀가스의 제조 공급 및 설비
Applications of Praxair products and technologies Healthcare Computer Chips Food & Beverage Metals Production Welding Special Effects Gasoline Production Oil & Gas Production Aviation
Praxair Korea 271 employees Operations 5 Main plants (GH, CW, YC, TJ, HS) and more than 10 on-sites. HQ is located in SE Founded in 1975, Praxair Inc. 100% injected Ranks 39 on MK’s Profit list (among the foreign companies) Introduced the first commercial distribution for industrial gases and has led in the market Sales 178 Billion Won in 2008 Net Income After Tax 34 Billion Won in 2008
Financial Highlight PERIOD ENDING 31-Dec-08 31-Dec-07 31-Dec-06 Total Revenue 10,796,000 9,402,000 8,324,000 Gross Profit 4,301,000 3,845,000 3,356,000 Operating Income or Loss 1,883,000 1,783,000 1,519,000 Net Income 1,211,000 1,177,000 988,000 Net Income Applicable To Common Shares $1,211,000 $1,177,000 $988,000
Employment Conditions 3 of 4 shift 5days works 174 work hours per month Ho-bong & Level system Retirement : 60 Severance Allowance Probation 1,000 % fixed Bonus Vacation Allowance Gifts Tuitions Loan Meal Commuting fees Healthcare Picnic Welfare Fund Leaves & Holidays Reward & Recognition Labor Union 70%tile of Market Comparison Profit sharing Career Development Biz Mileage Cell Phone Celebration & Condolence Medical Leave