DIY DTP Incorporated Where three letter acronyms thrive 2006 Companywide Meeting CTO Mr. Alcock presiding Good morning and welcome everyone to the 2006 companywide meeting of DIY DTP. For you new hires out there, that’s Do It Yourself Desktop Publishing Incorporated. In case you don’t recognize me, let me remind you that I am your Chief Technology Officer, Mr. Alcock. First of all I’d like to welcome our colleagues from department m205 who trekked across the country to join us. [I’d like to thank you for joining us.] If anyone has just arrived, please find yourself a program and follow along. Everyone will want to be taking notes, because we have an important assignment ahead. As you know, DIY DTP has enjoyed phenomenal growth over the past year thanks to your hard work. As a result, the company will be replacing its old computer system and all of your machines with brand new ones this year. Now, that sounds too good to be true, and it is. Here’s the catch: you’re going to have to order all the components separately and put them together yourselves. This way you get your dream machine and DIY DTP gets the best prices. We don’t expect you to do this on your own. We’re offering training and training begins now. Some of the senior staff will remember when we did this once previously, so I expect your help. Let’s begin.