Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 107 History of the Ancient and Medieval World The Study of History: Getting Started Walsingham Academy Mrs. McArthur Room 107
World History: Connections to Today Meet the author (Paris: 2007)
Black Ships Before Troy Must have by: Sept. 15
Assignment: Aug. 21 Read syllabus with parent. (acknowledgement slip due to me Monday, Aug. 25) Read 2 handouts: Recurring Historical Themes and answer questions posed on a separate sheet of loose-leaf paper. Note: Loose a sheet-It’s on Blackbaud!
Project*: Personalized Notebook Create a personalized cover using DTP*: (front, back, spine) for your history notebook. The components include: Personal information: your name, course title, school, year Visual Representation of each of the key themes presented in lecture (notes) and summarized on your handout. Each visual must have a clearly identifiable number. Key: identifying the visual representations by theme. Your choices should reflect our subject and if possible your interests. (Suggestion: look through the text for some ideas.) *(Rubric and Extra Credit details on handout.) Project Due Date: Friday, Aug. 29 *DTP = Desktop Publishing (Use Word or PowerPoint)
Project Due Date: Friday, Aug. 29 Assignment: Aug. 22 Read syllabus with parent. (acknowledgement slip due to me Monday, Aug. 25) Personalized Notebook Project: Project Due Date: Friday, Aug. 29
*This is based on scientific theory and is necessarily approximate. Quick Fact File* The earth is about 4,000,000,000 years old. Homo-Sapiens appeared about 250,000,000 years ago. Homo-Sapiens-Sapiens appeared about 40,000 years ago. The last ice age ended about 10,000 years ago. Civilization arouse about 5,000 years ago. *This is based on scientific theory and is necessarily approximate.