Protecting the Environment


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Presentation transcript:

Protecting the Environment Protecting Today’s Investments For Tomorrow’s Innovations

How well do you know global agriculture?

The world grows enough food to feed its population. True or False The world grows enough food to feed its population.

Generally TRUE The world grows enough food to feed its population. To eradicate hunger, people in the developing world need to be able to access food by growing it or purchasing it.

True or False The global population will increase by 42 percent between now and 2050.

TRUE The global population will increase by 42 percent between now and 2050. The world’s population is expected to increase from about 6.6 billion people today to 9.3 billion by 2050.

Agriculture must increase food production by 42 percent to keep pace. True or False Agriculture must increase food production by 42 percent to keep pace.

FALSE Increasing demand for food, fuel and fiber in developing countries, combined with other factors, actually requires agricultural food production to double by 2050.

Global agriculture uses 50 percent of our fresh water. True or False Global agriculture uses 50 percent of our fresh water.

FALSE Global agriculture actually uses 70 percent of our fresh water, and in the developing world, that percentage is closer to 95 percent.

Irrigation increases the yield of most crops by 50 percent. True or False Irrigation increases the yield of most crops by 50 percent.

FALSE Actually, irrigation boosts the yield of most crops by 100 percent to 400 percent.

Agriculture uses 55 percent of habitable land. True or False Agriculture uses 55 percent of habitable land.

TRUE Agriculture uses 55 percent of habitable land. And the percentage is growing as developing countries cut down forests to grow more food and other agricultural commodities.

Agriculture contributes 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions. True or False Agriculture contributes 70 percent of global greenhouse gas emissions.

FALSE Agriculture actually contributes 13.5 percent, which is still substantial.

Adapted from Monsanto’s web site on Agriculture and Sustainability Adapted from Monsanto’s web site on Agriculture and Sustainability

Today is All About Identifying agricultural challenges in protecting the environment Tracing how scientific advancements impact the world Understanding how each of us will contribute to the future health of our planet