First Quarter Objectives 1.1 Identify Enlightenment theories that have impacted significant American Documents 1.2 Analyze the principles of the Natural Rights theory in the declaration of Independence 1.3 Identify how tensions over authority led to the development of self-government in America 1.4 Compare and contrast plans of government debated at the Constitutional Convention 1.5 Compare and contrast debates on government power between Federalists and Anti-federalists 1.6 Analyze principles of American Democracy 1.7 Evaluate how the principles of American government maintain constitutional democracy
2.1 Identify the purpose and structure of the US Constitution 2.1 Evaluate the authority Federal and State governments have over individual rights 2.2 Identify function and powers of the _____ branch of government (Legislative, Executive, and Judicial) 2.2 Identify powers denied to federal and state government 2.2 Identify the process of law-making 2.3 Analyze the reasons and process for amending the constitution 2.3 Evaluate the US Constitution as a “living document” as seen through the power of Judicial Review
3.1 Formulate your political ideology 3.1 Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of a two-party system 3.2 Identify the processes of the American electoral system. 3.3 Identify how interest groups and media bias impact political public opinion 3.4 Compare and contrast citizenship in various forms of government
4.1 Identify the different types of laws 4.2 Identify the sequence of due process 4.2 Analyze the principle of jurisdiction in addressing criminal behavior 4.3 Analyze the principle of Federalism as it applies to the dual court system