장 우린 교수 animation 3D 2012 O.R.E.N.T.A.T.I.O.N.
ani 3D style 3D computer graphics animator
: style 형식 : style 형식 ani 3D “ 예술에 있어 차별화는 형식, 그 style로 이루어진다. ” expression 표현 : style 형식 contents 내용 “ 예술에 있어 차별화는 형식, 그 style로 이루어진다. ” - 장 우린
ANIMATION ani 3D pre production production post production scenario concept visualization storyboard ANIMATION modeling rigging animating mapping pre production animatic key pose editing sound design acting compositing camera fx back ground montage mastering production putting out post production
SPECIAL FX ani 3D pre production production post production scenario concept visualization storyboard SPECIAL FX technical research innovative process editable sources equipment solution animation pre production shooting (filming) modeling / mapping editing sound design camera compositing back ground fx stage setting montage mastering production putting out post production
G A M E ani 3D pre production production post production scenario concept visualization structure G A M E player analysis program script interaction design platform research style research pre production playing method system design graphics design coding level design interface character, item design simulation character, item design back ground design engine back ground design sound design fx mastering device (industrial approach) production putting out post production
tool?! ani 3D understanding the 3D simplicity fundamental truth speciality understanding the 3D
ani 3D Animating delicate movement partial movement main movement 1. Our Basic Workflow delicate movement partial movement Animating main movement fundamental movement
ani 3D Lightwave Modeller Cinema 4D Premiere Body Paint 3D Z- Brush 2. Workflow in Tools Cinema 4D Lightwave Modeller Premiere Body Paint 3D Z- Brush After Effect Photoshop modeling mapping Animating Character Animating Editing
ani 3D Adaptation Simplicity speed Cinema 4D Quality Modern Stability 3. Why C4D ? Adaptation Simplicity speed Cinema 4D Quality Modern Stability Standard User Oriented Maximum Expression
ani 3D human machine 3. What is a interface thing ? variable function result human machine