Introduction “Canadians are among the highest energy consumers in the world.” Why? (list 3 possible reasons) Northern climate/very cold temperatures Transportation – small population spread over large area Advanced industrial economy Energy is cheap so we tend to waste it
Our Energy sources can be divided into two categories: Conventional energy sources - oil, natural gas, hydroelectricity, nuclear electricity and coal = 98% of our energy use 2. Alternative energy sources - solar, wind, biomass energy
How Energy is Used Industrial – 30% Transportation - 29% Commercial - 18% Residential - 18% Agricultural - 3% Public administration - 2%
Coal Mostly mined in the West Plays big role in economy $4.5 billion annually 55 000 jobs Used for fuel in the generation of electricity
Oil and Gas Come mostly from the Plains/Prairie ecozones (out West and Newfoundland and Labrador) Removal of oil and gas from the ground: 1. Flowing wells – have enough natural pressure to force oil or gas to surface 2. Non-flowing wells – not enough pressure to make oil and gas flow to surface, electric or gasoline powered pumps are used
Electricity Produced by generators which convert mechanical energy (ex. rotating turbines) into electrical energy Types: Moving water in a hydroelectric generating station - can be built anywhere there are rivers with changes in elevation and large reliable waterflow - the force of the water moving from higher to lower elevation drives the generator (pg. 359)
Hydroelectricity Pros/Cons Cheap to operate No air pollution or carbon dioxide Uses a renewable resource (flowing water) The reservoir may also be used for recreation Con’s Expensive to build Suitable sites far from need = $ for lines Most suitable sites already developed Dams cause flooding = destruction; may cause release of chemicals
2. Thermoelectricity pg. 360 Expanding steam produced by burning coal, oil, or natural gas turns turbines in a thermoelectric generating station Pros Plants can be built near need and where fuel is available Less expensive to build Cons Fuel costs are high Use non-renewable resources (will run out) Air pollution (global warming, acid precipitation)
3. Nuclear Electricity pg. 361 Expanding steam from nuclear fission in a nuclear-electric generating station to turn turbines (like thermoelectricity but uses uranium to produce steam) Heat comes from the breakdown (fission) of radioactive uranium atoms
Nuclear Electricity Pros/Cons – can be built where energy is needed Operating costs relatively low Canada has plenty of uranium No air pollution Cons Construction costs high Radioactive fuel is hazardous to human health Waste products remain dangerous for 100,000 yrs Reactors become unreliable with age =replace=$
Energy and the Economy We want an abundant, reliable, and low-cost energy supply (it is important to our economy)
Which is Best? Consider the pro’s and con’s of each electrical plant In groups of four come to a consensus of which is the best form How can you reduce your energy use? - Come up with list of 10-15 ways