Meaning -Word Analysis Prefix Suffix Base Word Root Word
Prefix Prefix – a word part that is added to the beginning of a word. Suffix – a word part that is added to the end of a word. Base Word – a complete word to which a prefix and/or suffix may be added. Root Word – a word part to which a prefix and/or suffix must be added.
Determining Word Through Meaning Words are made up of various combinations of the following parts: prefix, suffix, base word, and root word. Analysis of these parts is another way to determine an unfamiliar word’s meaning.
Pieces to Parts Make a Whole The word undemocratic is made up of the prefix ”un,” the base word “democrat,” and the suffix “ic.” If you know the meanings of these parts, you can determine the meaning of the whole word. Un- (“not”) + democrat (“a person who believes in government by the people”) + ic (“relating to”) = undemocratic - relating to something or someone who does not believe in government by the people
Words With Only a Root Inscription is made up of the prefix “in” (into, on), the Latin root “script” (write), and the suffix “tion” (a thing that is). Inscription means “something written on a surface, such as an engraving on a monument.
Prefixes – Single Meaning Prefix Meaning Example Bene- good benefit Circum- around circumference Col-, com - with, together collapse, compile Contra- opposed contradict Extra- outside extraordinary Hemi- half hemisphere Inter- between, among international Mal- bad maltreat, malignant Mid- halfway midday Mis- wrong misspell
Create Words Through Meaning Can you find the prefix of the following words? Is there a base word, or a root word? Bene- Beneficial Circum- Circumspect Col- Collect Com- Comprise Con- Configure Mal- Malaign Mid- Midway