Tahir Kapetanovic ENM TF Co-Chair XIX Florence Forum


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Presentation transcript:

FG and Codes for System Operation Status of scoping discussion and drafting Tahir Kapetanovic ENM TF Co-Chair XIX Florence Forum 13-14 December 2010

General Scoping discussions EC – ENTSO-E – ERGEG Discussing initial Problem Identification and Objectives of the initiative as elaborated by the Expert Group Identifying the additional needs for priorities and more detailed specification of issues already in the FG Revisiting the first IIA draft to reflect the above 1st scoping meeting 27 October 2010 2nd scoping meeting 23 November 2010

Scope for FG In order to ensure overal coverage, one FG shall be designed to foresee all the System Operation codes Stepwise approach and amendments in the future possible Where not yet clear about the impact of the ongoing initiatives (e.g. CACM FG process), use a “place holder“ to point to the future changes which will be necessary in the FG Re-work the initial IIA and produce the FG draft, to be revisited and discussed with the Expert Group during January 2010 Draft the IIA and FG complete for public consultation to be initiated by end of February 2011

Scope for Codes Priorities: Priority 0: Operational Security Code Priority 1: “Filling the Gaps”: Scheduling, Training, Information & Communication Priority 2: Enhancing the basics: P-f control, Emergency and Restoration Priority 3: Inter-Synchronous Area issues, Supergrid issues, Manualy activated reserves Priority 2 to be “maintained” in parallel to the work on the development of Priority 0 and 1, in order to account for any necessary changes from other initiatives

Scope for Codes (cont‘d) Change Management Congestion Management Staff Training and Certification Compliance Monitoring and Enforcement Information and Communication Load Frequency Operational Security Emergency and Restoration Inter Synchronous-Areas Supergrid Aspects Manualy Activated Reserves Interaction “filling the gaps“ Priority 1: SO Framework Guidelines “enhancing the basics“ Priority 2: “new appli- Priority 3: cations“

Process Issues and FG Interaction In addition to codes, in two areas process (“rules and procedures”) issues to be addressed: Change Management Compliance monitoring and enforcement TSO . . . System Operation FG & Codes ~ Grid Con- nection FG & Codes DSO Capacity Allocation & Congestion Management FG & Codes

Costs vs. Benefits Costs vs. Benefits analysis is an important element of the Initial Impact Assessment Expected benefits Reducing the risk of system-wide disturbances (e.g. 11/2006) Enhancing the uniform and common treatment of all kinds of grid users throught all synchronous areas in the EU Ensuring adequate support for the market functioning and evolution / development Supporting a sustainable and effective integration of renewable (and all other) generation Cost/Benefit analysis to be completed during the revised IIA and FG development process in the next weeks

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