Mrs. Fahnestock’s Classroom News 10/4-10/6- Parent Conferences October 2017 Email: Mrs. Fahnestock’s Classroom News Our classroom is in need of tissues! Text @shark1080 to the number 81010 and you will receive important messages about class projects, field trips, and school related information directly to your phone! English Language Arts: Theme, Context Clues, and Sequence Writing: Personal Narrative Content: What makes up our world? Math: Multiplication and Division number stories 10/4-10/6- Parent Conferences 10/13- Race for Education 10/24- Project Due 10/24- End of Marking Period
My “Owl Themed Classroom Jobs” for free! Thank you for downloading this file! l hope you find use for it in your classroom! check out my “owl Themed classroom” set for 196 more pages of owl inspired resources! if you would like to make your own resources with owl clip art (for personal or commercial use), see my owl clip art set! also, make sure you download my “owl Themed specials posters” my “Welcome!” and “Read!” posters My “Owl Themed Classroom Jobs” for free! check out my blog at Don’t forget to follow me on TpT for updates on new products and freebies!