Ancient Civilizations River Valleys Ancient Civilizations
Fertile Crescent- Tigris & Euphrates (Mesopotamia) Text Book p83-86
Nile(Egypt) Skim Text- p147-151 Unique Fact: The Nile flows north. Notebook Question: How do you think the predictability (or lack of) of the Tigris and Euphrates versus the Nile impacted those civilizations general perception of life?
Tiber Use index in text. Go to:
Ganges (India) TEXT p219-222
Huang He Go to: TEXT: pages 253-254
Ancient Greece (Text-p355-357) Copy into notebook: Create an organizer in your note book for the following information: Greece is surrounded by water; however, it is quite mountainous and lacks a major river system. Where did the early Greeks settle? How was this similar or different from the above ancient civilizations? Where did their fresh water come from? How was this similar or different from the above ancient civilizations? What was their source of transportation and trade? Similar? Different?
Water Supply Outline Notes in History Notebook- Camrosa Water District