Health Ingenuity Exchange (HingX) Best Practices for User Groups and Resource Registration
HingX Project Overview HingX – Health Ingenuity Exchange – a registry and repository for Health related Information and Technology Resources Initially sponsored by the Rockefeller Foundation to enable an enterprise architecture approach to e-health for low resource countries they are also sponsoring Projects also being sponsored by Rockefeller are first trial users HL7 has committed to be an early adopter Three software versions have been released with approximately 1 release per month anticipated
HingX Opportunities for Templates and other HL7 artifacts/resources Testing HingX registry functionality against Templates Registry Business Process requirements Test actual artefact registrations with several existing WG (Tooling, Publishing , Templates, SOA) projects Explore API opportunities to automate registration from external tools Contribute to comprehensive metadata management strategies Receive and contribute to best practices presentations 1/18/2019
Relationship between HingX and Repositories HingX REGISTRY HingX Reference Resource Repository Third-Party
What is a Resource? A Resource is general concept for any type of digital file that may be used in some aspect of a Health oriented information and communication technology system Specific types of resources can be: Documents in any format Diagrams as images or editable representations Images as editable or only viewable Other formats intended for human viewing Software components Control files Meta-data Other formats intended for computation
Hingx Definitions User Group User Role Role Types
What is a User? A User is associated with a single individual’s identity, including name and e-mail coordinates. A User is associated with a primary User Group, usually one from which an individual receives delegated authority to act. A single user can participate in more than one User Group Each User can be assigned one or more Roles in each User Group, depending on what actions can be taken regarding Resources associated with the User Group.
Role Description Permissions General Public Unregistered User Search, Filter and Browse Registry View unrestricted Resources Consumer Registered User; need not be in a User Group May “Like” and “Follow” Resources Contribute to Resource Discussion Contributor Adds new Resources to HingX Registry Adds Resources Sets Resource State Attribute Moderates Resource Discussion Sets Resource Security
Role Description Permissions Curator Adds and Modifies Resource Metadata Can add and modify Resource Metadata Resource User Reuses existing Resources As-Is or to Derive new Resources Indicates Resource is Used Receives Notifications of Changes User Group Administrator Assigns Users to User Groups and User Group Roles to Users Assigns User Accounts to a person Assigns Roles to User Accounts
User Group Design Principles A person can have more than one role in a User Group More than one person can play the same Role in a User Group USER (Identity of a Person) GROUP (Group of Users) ROLE (Permitted Actions) Resource (Physical Instances) Folder A person can participate in many User Groups with different Roles in different User Groups Access to a Resource is through a User Group A Resource is “governed” by a single User Group Restricted Resources can be made available to Users in more than one User Group An Resource Folder is a registry record that identifies more than one Resource
Additional Definitions Configuring User Groups Resource Life Cycles User Group Types
Configuring User Groups Configuring a set of User Groups requires understanding the relationships between User Groups and their requirements for managing resources A Resource life cycle and a corresponding approval process should be established in advance User Groups must be configured to maintain authority over Resources across their life cycles
User Group Types Community – a group of people, who may be from different organizations, working together to achieve a shared purpose they could not achieve working independently Organization – a group of people with formal responsibilities for specific processes and their corresponding resources Project – a group of people with assigned responsibilities working together to produce specific resources that may be interdependent Team or sub-project – a group of people with specific skills and assigned responsibilities for specific resources over time
Possible User Group Configurations Organization Projects Organizations Projects Communities Projects Organization Label colors Organizations Projects Communities Communities Teams
Scenarios Examples: User Group Scenarios Single Organizations One Organizations and Several Projects Community Décor Community Configuration
Some User Group Scenarios A specific organization may create a set of User Groups to manage processes and their corresponding Resources - the emphasis is on the scope of authority of each group A project is initiated to develop a new set of resources or to maintain, enhance or extend an existing set of Resources A set of teams is formed within a Project to be accountable for different, but interdependent resources A group of Organizations decides to form a Community to work together to achieve a common purpose. The Community may create multiple Projects with multiple Teams to achieve the stated purpose. A number of Teams may be created by a Community, a Project or an Organization to manage the distribution of accountability for specific Resources A large scale Project is initiated that may require multiple project teams to manage accountability to develop and enhance interdependent resources
Case Study – DECOR Community DCORE community has multiple projects contributing resources. The resources contributed may be templates, value sets and concept definitions for use by related projects. Projects develop and reuse resources to achieve their shared purpose Different organizations may be involved to produce and approve resources. Perinatology Project is an example
Interface Development Community Software Developer Project 1 Testing Team Specification Development Community Architects HL7 Standards Experts Organizations Requirements Community Gyns Terminologists Fix drafts Midwives Organizations Projects Community Team