Mental Health
Quick Write “Live a Good Life…And in the end, it’s not the years in a life, it’s the life in the years.” ~Abraham Lincoln
What is mental health? deals with how we think, feel and cope with daily life. encompasses learning, stress management, and mental illnesses or disorders.
Health Triangle Mental Social Physical *Health is the measure of our body’s efficiency and over-all well-being. Mental Social Physical
Flexible Good Self-Esteem Positive Vs. Negative + + Mental Health Components Comfortable w/ people Good Self-Esteem Manages Stress Well/Humor Flexible +
- Mental unhealthy components People who are afraid to show emotions Drug users/ alcoholics Anger/stress management problems Prejudice & people who are intolerant of others -
Know when to seek help More than 2 weeks of negative mental health Efforts fail to solve problems (negative solutions) Your energy goes towards keeping your life together instead of enjoying it. **Remember, negative feeling should pass…if they don’t, then seek help!**
Where to seek help…. Family & Friends S.A.C. Team (student assistance counselor) Social Services Psychologist/Psychiatrist
Ways to your + Mental Health 3 Basics- 1)Sleep 8-10 hrs a night, 2) eat a balanced diet (low in sugar & caffeine) & 3) exercise daily; which increase your endorphins…the happy hormone
Other Ways…. Avoid Alcohol & drugs Seek Positive people to be with