Word within a word Vocabulary 8B
Demi (half) demigod: half human, half god Perseus and Hercules were both well-known demigods.
Retro (backward) retroactive: going backward and covering the past as well as the future When I achieved National Board Certification, the state paid me retroactively, which included my missed pay increase from August through December.
Sense (feel) Extrasensory: having senses beyond what is normal (psychic) Some people claim to have extrasensory perception, which allows them to see things in the future or fortune tell.
Fy (make) horrify: to cause to feel horror (painful and intense fear, dread, or dismay) The tornado ripping through the family’s home was a horrific event.
ocul (eye) oculist: eye doctor Before obtaining his glasses for his nearsighted vision, the young boy had to be seen by the oculist.
cur (care for) curator: caretaker for a museum In the movie Night at the Museum, Ben Stiller plays the museum curator, who has some pretty wild adventures.
Ultra (beyond) ultraviolet: light past violet on the spectrum image - the sun taken at an ultraviolet wavelength
oid (appearance) asteroid: has the appearance of a shooting star but is a large rock traveling at an orbit In February, a meteor, described by NASA as a “tiny asteroid” hit central Russia causing some minor destruction and injuries.
gest (carry) gestation: time the baby is carried inside the mother The gestation period for a puppy is approximately two months.
apt (fit) maladapted: not well fitted for something The panda bear is maladapted to its small surroundings.
tact (touch) tactful: able to say or do something unpleasant in a nice way When Maria helped Tracy learn how to make donuts, she had to tactfully tell her that her first batch didn’t taste good.
voc (voice) convocation: formal assembly (ex. graduation) For the convocation, all members of our club needed to be in formal attire in order to accept our award.
rid (laugh) deride: to laugh at someone in scorn; to mock Due to Joey’s dirty shoes, the boys found reason to deride him.