B.T.W. ORIENTATION 2017-2018
Attendance Policy If a student is absent from school, that student must bring an official note (court document, obituary, or doctor’s note) the next morning explaining why he or she was absent on the previous day. The official note must be turned into the attendance office the day following the absence before going to first period.
Truancy Students who are absent 3 or more days are considered truant. These students will not be allowed to participate in any school related activities including but not limited to athletics, field trips, and graduation.
How can a truancy be cleared? Students will receive a copy of his or her attendance, which identifies absences as excused or unexcused. The teacher will sign if the absence was in fact excused and return the attendance sheet to the attendance office. Otherwise, students will take the copy home for parents to provide documentation for the absence. (personal illness, death or serious illness of an immediate family member, court appearance, or a religious holiday or event)
Tardy Policy Tardy Policy Tardy Policy To be early is to be on time. To be on time is to be late. To be late is UNACCEPTABLE. Tardy Policy Tardy Policy
Students must be seated in 1st period by 8:15 am. NO STUDENT will be allowed to enter 1st period after 8:15 am without an admit from the office. Students can only receive an admit if accompanied by a parent. The will be searched and all cell phones turned in. Student support will generate and distribute a daily absentee list to teachers of all students during 2nd period showing absent and tardy students.
Tardy Policy (continued) If a student is not in the classroom when the tardy bell sounds, they should secure an admit from Student Support. If a student leaves the room once they have arrived, (even if the bell has not sounded) and they do not return before the tardy bell sounds, they are tardy and must go to Student Support for an admit. The bell does not dismiss the class, the teacher does.
Students entering the building after 8:30am MUST be accompanied by an adult.
ALL students who are tardy for class must receive an admit from the attendance office.
“We’re Tops We Lead and Others Follow.” Welcome to BTW “We’re Tops We Lead and Others Follow.”