Top Level Goals for the Planned NSF Proposal Support for Student Self Assessment Student Performance Prediction System XYZ System Student Progress Feedback and Early Warning System Standardization of Data Representation for Student Performance Assessment and Database Support to Support Data Exchange and Software Reuse Remark: Other secondary contributions include: Understanding factors that influence student course success and failure The components of the proposed system mostly rely or ultimately will rely on a skill-based approach for student performance assessment Developing automated data collection procedures and interfaces (comment: important but boring! ) Recommender system for remediation UH-DAIS
Writing Tasks (added on 10/24/16) Project Description (time limit 15 pages): Christoph needs Everybody’s help in producing fancy Figures to be included… Sara’s help with Section 1.1 Motivation Sara and Nouhad need to write Section 2.5: Preliminary Work Sara’s help with Section 4: Broader Impacts; Sara can you write a 0.6-1-page draft? Nouhad’s help with Section 5: Time Line and Resource Allocation and producing a compact, good looking Figure that does not take up too much space. References: Need to decide on a format today! Come up with a plan how the references should be produced Need everybody’s Current and Pending and Prior NSF Support by 10/25/16 Need everybody’s CV by 10/26/16 Facility and Equipment a short write-up from Sara what the College of Education provides Data Management Plan Do we have any writeup for text reusual? Christoph writes a first draft by 10/26/16 but might need some help afterwards Budget Justification; will contact Greg (NSM) what we actually have to do here
Writing Tasks2 Nouhad: Student Progress Feedback and Early Warning System Need 1-2 paragraph about the benefits of the Early Warning Systems and how they will be embedded into UH Teaching Need 1-2 paragraphs reviewing past work on “Early Warning Systems for Identifying Student Failure” Need 1-2 paragraphs stating how our work is different from the previous work described in b, also making a statement what is novel, unique, different about it and also a clear statement Sara: Student Self Assessment Need 1-2 paragraph on benefits of self assessment—just extend what you already wrote. Have there been any examples of educational research or real world teaching that makes self assessment a major component of teaching? If yes, review what was done in 1-2 paragraphs. Need 1-3 paragraphs stating how our work is different from the previous work described in b—if there is any. Need a clear statement that assess the intellectual merit and broader impact of what we do with respect to self assessment.
Writing Tasks3 Nouhad (maybe Sara): How will the system we develop be used in the pilot study that uses it for COSC 1320 and COSC 1410 during the course of the project? Outline how it will be used in the 2 courses What experiments do we conduct to assess the benefits of / evaluate the system we develop? How will what we develop be integrated into initiatives and development that are already going on at UH; perhaps, Sara can help with this! Sara+Nouhad: Preliminary Work, we conducted prior to writing the proposal: Nouhad mention things we already did in COSC 1410/2320 Sara—are there any things Need 1-2 paragraphs stating how our work is different from the previous work described in b—if there is any.
Writing Tasks4 Sara+Christoph: 2 Year Work Plan and Milestones Will discuss this activity when we meet on Monday and come up with a plan how this part is written. The plan is to complete this part by October 20 Christoph: Standardization of Data Representation for Student Performance Assessment and Database Support to Support Data Exchange and Software Reuse Karthik will conduct a literature survey at the moment Might include the relational database design Christoph will write this part completing by October 22 the latest Christoph: Student Performance Prediction System Christoph will write this part by October 25; due to our past work, it should not be too difficult to write this part! Christoph and Sara: NSF Proposal Cover Page Project Description Christoph will produce a draft by October 24, and Sara will proofread and improve it!