Sawaya Segalas & Co., LLC Preliminary Introductory Materials February 2011 Sawaya Segalas & Co., LLC Preliminary Introductory Materials IRI InfoScan (TOTAL US DRUG data ending Jul 10, 2016)
Bottled Water Category Retail Dollar Sales ($MM) & % Chg YA Strictly Confidential Bottled Water Category Retail Dollar Sales ($MM) & % Chg YA Total Bottled Water Unsweetened Sparkling Water (includes Flavored & Unflavored) Premium Bottled Water (includes Still & Sparkling) 2.1% Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Bottled Water Category Retail Unit* Sales (MM) & % Chg YA Strictly Confidential Bottled Water Category Retail Unit* Sales (MM) & % Chg YA Total Bottled Water Unsweetened Sparkling Water (includes Flavored & Unflavored) Premium Bottled Water (includes Still & Sparkling) 0.8% Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned
Strictly Confidential Unsweetened Sparkling Water Category Retail Dollar Sales ($MM) & % Chg YA Unsweetened Sparkling Water (includes Flavored & Unflavored) Flavored Sparkling Water Unflavored Sparkling Water -12.5% Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Strictly Confidential Unsweetened Sparkling Water Category Retail Unit* Sales (MM) & % Chg YA Unsweetened Sparkling Water (includes Flavored & Unflavored) Flavored Sparkling Water Unflavored Sparkling Water -10.3% Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned
*Units = Actual packages scanned Strictly Confidential Voss v. Premium Peers Dollar & Unit* Sales % Chg. YA % Dollar Growth Latest 52 Week Premium Bottled Cat Please include all brands included within the slide % Unit Growth 23.7% 20.3% 12.3% 8.9% 7.4% 15.2% (0.2%) (9.2%) (25.0%) (99.1%) Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned
*Units = Actual packages scanned Strictly Confidential Voss v. Premium Peers Dollar & Unit* Sales % Chg YA % Dollar Growth Latest 12 Week Premium Bottled Cat Please include all brands included within the slide % Unit Growth 29.1% 22.6% 19.8% 12.0% 6.2% 5.4% (1.3%) (70.7%) (97.0%) Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned
Voss Dollar Sales ($MM) Trends Strictly Confidential Voss Dollar Sales ($MM) Trends Dollar Sales – Moving Annual Total by Month NOTE:we have only 16 rolling 52 weeks Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG, Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Unit* Sales (MM) Trends Strictly Confidential Voss Unit* Sales (MM) Trends Unit Sales - Moving Annual Total by Month NOTE: we have only 16 rolling 52 weeks Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG, Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned
Voss Dollars & % Chg YA by Region (L-12 & L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Dollars & % Chg YA by Region (L-12 & L-52, DRUG) Latest 12 Weeks Latest 52 Weeks Dollar Sales Dollar Sales % Chg YA Values are in Millions Source: IRI Infoscan, Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss ACV Weighted Distribution (%) by Region (L-4, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss ACV Weighted Distribution (%) by Region (L-4, DRUG) Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss PDI & Dollar Share by Region (L-4, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss PDI & Dollar Share by Region (L-4, DRUG) West Plains Great Lakes Northeast TTL Premium: 97.1 Unsweetened Sparkling: 88.9 TTL Voss: 104.9 Voss Share of Premium: 4.2% TTL Premium: 147.2 Unsweetened Sparkling: 236.5 TTL Voss: 122.4 Voss Share of Premium: 3.0% TTL Premium: 80.5 Unsweetened Sparkling: 44.8 TTL Voss: 78.5 Voss Share of Premium: 3.7% TTL Premium: 52.0 Unsweetened Sparkling: 47.4 TTL Voss: 73.8 Voss Share of Premium: 5.3% California South Central Southeast Mid South TTL Premium: 108.9 Unsweetened Sparkling: 109.9 TTL Voss: 73.1 Voss Share of Premium: 2.6% TTL Premium: 83.4 Unsweetened Sparkling: 46.8 TTL Voss: 111.2 Voss Share of Premium: 4.9% TTL Premium: 109.8 Unsweetened Sparkling: 73.3 TTL Voss: 127.5 Voss Share of Premium: 4.3% TTL Premium: 75.7 Unsweetened Sparkling: 66.6 TTL Voss: 80.4 Voss Share of Premium: 3.7% Note- Voss share of premium (it's does not seems accurate as we are picking Voss at Total Bottled level and considering Category as Premium Bottled to calculate share) PDI = (Volume Sales in a Geography / Population of the Geography) (Volume Sales in Total US / Total US Population) Source: IRI Infoscan, Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 Copyright © Information Resources, Inc., 2006. Confidential and proprietary
Premium Water v. Voss: Base Sales Diagnostics (L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Premium Water v. Voss: Base Sales Diagnostics (L-52, DRUG) Total PREMIUM Dollar Sales Base $ Sales Avg. Wkly Items Per Store Base Price Per Vol Avg Weekly ACV Wtd Distribution 52 Weeks: 12 Weeks: 4 Weeks: $147.9M 10.8% +$14.4M 7.0% +$8.2M 12.9 $125.0M +0.5 +$0.01 $1.23 97.0 (-0.0) VOSS Total Dollar Sales Base $ Sales Avg. Wkly Items Per Store Base Price Per Vol Avg Weekly ACV Wtd Distribution 52 Weeks: 12 Weeks: 4 Weeks: $4.7M 1.6% +$0.1M 6.7% +$0.3M 1.1 $4.1M (-0.0) (-$0.00) $1.63 40.4 +4.0 97.3 97.1 +0.5 +0.1 51.3 +13.7 97.5 97.1 +0.8 +0.2 57.9 +20.6 13 Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Premium Water v. Voss: Incremental Sales Diagnostics (L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Premium Water v. Voss: Incremental Sales Diagnostics (L-52, DRUG) Total PREMIUM Dollar Sales Incr $ Sales Weeks of Support %Lift Chg YA Feat Only Disp Only Feat & Disp TPR Only $147.9M 10.8% +$14.4M 37.2% +$6.2M $22.9M 48 +1.4 58.6 +0.1 $1.15 +$0.00 73.1 45.5 +7.8 (-0.2) 89.8 +7.5 65.4 (-0.8) Promo Price Per Vol Lifts VOSS Total Dollar Sales Incr $ Sales Weeks of Support %Lift Chg YA Feat Only Disp Only Feat & Disp TPR Only $4.7M 1.6% +$0.1M -24.9% (-$0.2M) $0.6M 6 (-1.7) 63.9 (-1.6) $1.59 (-$0.02) 0.0 16.5 (-23.2) +0.0 64.8 (-1.3) Promo Price Per Vol Lifts 14 Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG, Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Dollar Sales per Point of Distribution (L-12, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Dollar Sales per Point of Distribution (L-12, DRUG) Dollar Sales per Point of Distribution* = Plastic/PET SKU = Glass SKU $20,268 $20,534 * Dollar Sales of Total Voss Still (or Sparkling) SKUs/ ACV Weighted Distribution of Total Voss Still (or Sparkling) SKUs Dollar values in thousands Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Average Price per Unit (DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Average Price per Unit (DRUG) = Plastic/PET SKU Still Water SKUs Sparkling Water SKUs = Glass SKU L-52 L-24 L-12 L-4 Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Commands a Highly Attractive Ultra-Premium Retail Price Point Strictly Confidential Voss Commands a Highly Attractive Ultra-Premium Retail Price Point L-52 Total U.S. Water Average Price per Volume (500ml) (1) = Voss Premium Index 142 157 134 131 117 142 133 116 (1) One unit of volume represents 16.907 Oz. Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Premium Bottled Water Category Strictly Confidential Premium Water Volume¹ Price Landscape (L-52, DRUG) % CHG YA Premium Bottled Water Category Voss Evian Perrier Fiji San Pellegrino San Benedetto Glacceau Smart Water Resource Icelandic Glacial Avg. Price/Vol $0.00 $0.03 $0.07 $0.02 -$0.01 $0.33 $0.14 Promo Price/Vol -$0.02 $0.01 $0.05 -$0.00 (1) One unit of volume represents 16.907 Oz. Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Premium Bottled Water Category Strictly Confidential Premium Water Volume¹ Price Landscape (L-12, DRUG) % CHG YA Premium Bottled Water Category Voss Evian Perrier Fiji San Pellegrino San Benedetto Glacceau Smart Water Resource Icelandic Glacial Avg. Price/Vol $0.04 $0.01 $0.08 -$0.01 -$0.02 $0.03 $0.00 $0.06 -$0.18 Promo Price/Vol $0.07 -$0.03 $0.11 (1) One unit of volume represents 16.907 Oz. 19 Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Volume by Price Threshold: Premium Brands (L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Volume by Price Threshold: Premium Brands (L-52, DRUG) $1.17/500ml or $8.85/128oz *Mean price point among all Premium Brands listed Values are in Millions, Volume Equivalency = 500ml 20 Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Retail Dollar Sales by SKU (DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Retail Dollar Sales by SKU (DRUG) Dollar Sales of Voss by SKU (% Growth vs. YAG Period) DOLLAR Still - Plastic Size Count UPC Code L -52 L -24 L -12 L -4 VOSS STILL - Plastic 330ml 1 8243040009 $16,320 -7.3% $7,097 -21.9% $3,846 -20.2% $1,081 -41.6% 500ml 8243040010 $4,092,276 2.6% $2,184,922 13.4% $1,317,892 26.2% $479,650 37.1% 850ml 8243040011 $432,381 -6.4% $190,309 -14.1% $96,913 -25.3% $29,859 -27.9% 12 8243020031 $56 409.3% $0 -100.0% 24 8243020010 $749 209.1% $447 135.3% $294 274.2% $44 0.0% 6 8243020025 $49,488 -16.0% $17,486 -50.0% $5,198 -70.2% $830 -82.6% Still - Glass VOSS STILL - Glass 375ml 8243061173 $13,137 -4.8% $4,441 -33.6% $1,998 -45.0% $796 -48.3% 4 8243020028 $226 -60.6% $106 -65.4% $51 -53.7% $15 -60.5% 8243018253 800ml 8243061174 $30,208 33.6% $14,105 15.1% $6,943 2.1% $1,904 -26.0% 2 8243050018 $213 111.5% $78 144.5% $40 123.9% 8243061130 Voss Still Total $4,635,055 1.5% $2,418,991 9.4% $1,433,176 18.7% $514,220 27.9% Sparkling VOSS SPARKLING - Glass 8243061175 $7,823 -9.7% $3,119 -29.4% $1,390 -38.6% $390 -40.0% 8243050005 $123 -80.1% $97 -26.7% 89.8% $9 -40.8% 8243061176 $17,098 44.7% $8,039 13.7% $3,740 -9.6% $1,301 -12.8% 8243050019 Voss Sparkling Total $25,044 19.4% $11,256 -2.0% $5,227 -17.0% $1,701 -18.7% Total Voss $4,660,099 1.6% $2,430,247 9.3% $1,438,404 18.6% $515,921 27.6% 8243018254 does have any sales in QS3 . Also 8243020010 , 0071529801 and 8243061130 upcs are added in the list which are not there in previous file. We have added these additional upcs in the table so that total sales should match up to UPC sum. Hope this is fine Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Retail Volume Sales by SKU (DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Retail Volume Sales by SKU (DRUG) Volume Sales of Voss by SKU (% Growth vs. YAG Period) VOLUME Still - Plastic Size Count UPC Code L -52 L -24 L -12 L -4 VOSS STILL - Plastic 330ml 1 8243040009 6650 -7.3% 2925 -21.8% 1609 -17.3% 462 -36.9% 500ml 8243040010 2646001 0.2% 1418646 11.2% 853816 23.7% 304245 28.9% 850ml 8243040011 253298 111753 -15.2% 56962 -26.9% 17510 -30.0% 12 8243020031 32 300.1% -100.0% 24 8243020010 12112 209.8% 7152 139.8% 4843 294.6% 708 0.0% 6 8243020025 23580 -14.5% 8072 -55.2% 2615 -71.0% 438 -82.6% Still - Glass VOSS STILL - Glass 375ml 8243061173 4678 -10.0% 1614 -35.4% 732 -45.7% 310 -45.4% 4 8243020028 104 -51.5% 53 -51.6% 27 -31.3% -20.1% 8243018253 800ml 8243061174 14604 33.7% 6912 18.2% 3410 6.3% 909 -24.2% 2 8243050018 112 74.9% 38 100.1% 16 66.5% 8243061130 Voss Still Total 2961170 -0.2% 1557166 8.1% 924031 17.7% 324610 22.0% Sparkling VOSS SPARKLING - Glass 8243061175 2990 -5.7% 1228 -24.6% 518 -37.2% 138 -40.7% 8243050005 56 -74.4% 34 -30.5% 57.5% 3 -50.8% 8243061176 8055 38.7% 3759 9.0% 1764 -13.7% 617 8243050019 Voss Sparkling Total 11101 21.3% 5021 -1.1% 2315 -18.2% 758 -18.9% Total Voss 2972271 1562187 8.0% 926346 17.6% 325368 21.9% 8243018254 does have any sales in QS3 . Also 8243020010 , 0071529801 and 8243061130 upcs are added in the list which are not there in previous file. We have added these additional upcs in the table so that total sales should match up to UPC sum. Hope this is fine One unit of volume represents 16.907l. oz. Values are in Millions, Volume Equivalency = 500ml Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Glass SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-12, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Glass SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-12, DRUG) L-12 Competitor SKU Comparison Brand Still/Sparkling Size (ML) Count UPC Dollar Sales Volume Sales Unit Sales Avg. Price per Volume Avg. Price per Unit ACV Weighted Distribution Dollar Sales per Pt. of Dist. Still - Glass Voss 330 ml 12 8243061130 $0 $0.00 0.00 375 ml 1 8243061173 $1,998 732 975 $2.73 $2.05 0.11 $17,635 4 8243020028 $51 27 9 $1.90 $5.71 0.01 $5,085 San Pellegrino 750 ml 0400356432 800 ml 2 8243050018 $40 16 5 $2.52 $8.05 0.03 $1,402 8243061174 $6,943 3,410 2,128 $2.04 $3.26 0.32 $21,796 Sparkling - Glass Perrier 200 ml 6 7478000001 $1,751 618 258 $2.83 $6.79 0.02 $83,994 *Can 250 ml 10 7478033356 $260,755 205,544 41,123 $1.27 $6.34 49.53 $5,264 7478037743 $634,666 467,229 93,478 $1.36 77.95 $8,141 4150880007 $619 236 473 $2.62 $1.31 0.04 $15,636 4150880035 $458 256 85 $1.79 $5.37 0.14 $3,347 7478000020 $413 239 91 $1.73 $4.56 0.06 $6,609 7478000003 $623 346 524 $1.80 $1.19 0.10 $5,992 24 7478000410 7478000006 $565 357 135 $1.58 $4.17 0.15 $3,846 8243061175 $1,390 518 689 $2.68 $2.02 $12,923 8243050005 $97 34 11 $2.87 $8.62 $26,267 7478000007 $1,353 862 576 $1.57 $2.35 0.12 $11,359 7478000009 $1,277 734 490 $1.74 $2.61 0.08 $15,368 7478000024 $407 $1.70 $4.49 $6,510 7478000005 $10,342 6,656 4,447 $1.55 $2.33 0.61 $16,994 4150880012 $11,834 7,895 5,275 $1.50 $2.24 0.34 $35,129 4150881183 15 4150863446 8243050019 8243061176 $3,740 1,764 1,100 $2.12 $3.40 0.19 $19,613 1000 ml 4150880000 $373 295 148 $1.26 $2.53 0.07 $5,141 Volume Equivalency = 500ml Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned
Voss Glass SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Glass SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-52, DRUG) L-52 Competitor SKU Comparison Brand Still/Sparkling Size (ML) Count UPC Dollar Sales Volume Sales Unit Sales Avg. Price per Volume Avg. Price per Unit ACV Weighted Distribution Dollar Sales per Pt. of Dist. Still - Glass Voss 330 ml 12 8243061130 $0 $0.00 0.00 375 ml 1 8243061173 $13,137 4,678 6,228 $2.81 $2.11 0.35 $37,435 4 8243020028 $226 104 35 $2.17 $6.54 0.04 $5,170 San Pellegrino 750 ml 0400356432 800 ml 2 8243050018 $213 112 $1.90 $6.07 0.06 $3,371 8243061174 $30,208 14,604 9,112 $2.07 $3.32 0.72 $41,716 Sparkling - Glass Perrier 200 ml 6 7478000001 $4,568 1,612 673 $2.83 $6.79 0.02 $212,691 *Can 250 ml 10 7478033356 $1,116,110 919,670 183,998 $1.21 58.31 $19,142 7478037743 $2,492,379 1,877,682 375,667 $1.33 $6.63 89.43 $27,870 4150880007 $3,174 1,211 2,424 $2.62 $1.31 0.14 $23,174 4150880035 $4,191 2,203 735 $5.71 0.58 $7,251 7478000020 $1,368 779 295 $1.76 $4.63 0.07 $19,331 7478000003 $9,532 5,522 8,374 $1.73 $1.14 0.28 $33,618 24 7478000410 7478000006 $3,052 1,960 743 $1.56 $4.11 0.39 $7,889 8243061175 $7,823 2,990 3,981 $1.96 0.19 $42,165 8243050005 $123 56 19 $2.20 $6.62 $7,741 7478000007 $6,021 3,963 2,648 $1.52 $2.27 0.20 $30,740 7478000009 $6,403 3,659 2,444 $1.75 $45,836 7478000024 $1,536 867 329 $1.77 $4.67 0.08 $19,077 7478000005 $48,260 30,946 20,675 $2.33 0.84 $57,679 4150880012 $51,342 30,558 20,416 $1.68 $2.51 0.54 $95,198 4150881183 15 4150863446 8243050019 8243061176 $17,098 8,055 5,026 $2.12 $3.40 0.50 $34,468 1000 ml 4150880000 $1,324 1,028 514 $1.29 $2.57 $16,949 Volume Equivalency = 500ml Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned
Voss Plastic SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-12, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Plastic SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-12, DRUG) L-12 Competitor SKU Comparison Brand Still/Sparkling Size (ML) Count UPC Dollar Sales Volume Sales Unit* Sales Avg. Price per Volume Avg. Price per Unit ACV Weighted Distribution Dollar Sales per Pt. of Dist. Still - Plastic Evian 330 ml 6 7929800017 $1,499 855 215 $1.75 $6.96 0.33 $4,574 Fiji 1 3256500031 $79,602 50,150 75,965 $1.59 $1.05 10.83 $7,349 3256500062 $425,881 325,024 82,133 $1.31 $5.19 49.91 $8,533 Voss 8243040009 $3,846 1,609 2,440 $2.39 $1.58 1.23 $3,123 8243020025 $5,198 2,615 658 $1.99 $7.90 1.47 $3,525 12 8243020031 $0 $0.00 0.00 500 ml 7929800008 $1,279,960 849,360 849,913 $1.51 87.80 $14,577 7929800019 $43,754 37,742 6,293 $1.16 $6.95 4.19 $10,445 24 3256500004 $27 49 2 $0.54 $13.07 0.01 $3,826 3256500001 $2,322,715 1,586,538 1,587,571 $1.46 92.63 $25,075 3256500011 $301 860 36 $0.35 $8.40 0.08 $3,742 3256500009 $505,988 385,579 64,289 $7.87 38.89 $13,012 8243040010 $1,317,892 853,816 854,372 $1.54 70.41 $18,716 8243020010 $294 4,843 202 $0.06 0.07 $4,102 750 ml 7929840011 $274,097 199,416 133,232 $1.37 $2.06 34.18 $8,020 850 ml 8243040011 $96,913 56,962 33,559 $1.70 $2.89 6.61 $14,663 1000 ml 7929800007 $2,711,892 2,407,500 1,204,077 $1.13 $2.25 89.17 $30,414 7929860007 $33,702 29,291 2,442 $1.15 $13.80 1.73 $19,515 7929810000 $789 770 32 $1.02 $24.57 0.17 $4,752 7929820000 3256500002 $3,901,164 3,248,617 1,624,750 $1.20 $2.40 92.99 $41,950 3256500010 $36,167 33,021 2,753 $1.10 $13.14 3.42 $10,583 1500 ml 7929800005 $74,984 72,496 24,175 $1.03 $3.10 8.42 $8,906 3256500003 $1,331,344 1,807,032 602,584 $0.74 $2.21 89.19 $14,928 Sparkling - Plastic Perrier 7478000070 $1,220,079 761,362 761,858 $1.60 84.96 $14,360 7478091136 $2,887 2,789 465 $1.04 $6.21 0.54 $5,310 0420000614 7478044629 $524,896 314,004 314,209 $1.67 51.46 $10,199 7478000402 $349 418 17 $0.84 $20.04 0.05 $6,457 San Pellegrino 0071847455 4150880008 $730,737 452,301 452,596 $1.62 $1.61 49.53 $14,755 4150873445 $6,150 5,795 483 $1.06 $12.73 1.32 $4,651 4150873466 $288 242 10 $1.19 $28.55 $23,131 7478063991 $568,713 562,983 281,568 $1.01 $2.02 85.95 $6,617 0071064864 4150880218 $960,772 915,724 457,987 $2.10 89.03 $10,792 Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned Volume Equivalency = 500ml
Voss Plastic SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Plastic SKUs v. Competitor SKUs (L-52, DRUG) L-52 Competitor SKU Comparison Brand Still/Sparkling Size (ML) Count UPC Dollar Sales Volume Sales Unit* Sales Avg. Price per Volume Avg. Price per Unit ACV Weighted Distribution Dollar Sales per Pt. of Dist. Still - Plastic Evian 330 ml 6 7929800017 $15,507 8,491 2,136 $1.83 $7.26 1.03 $15,077 Fiji 1 3256500031 $352,500 223,135 337,994 $1.58 $1.04 17.61 $20,021 3256500062 $1,745,022 1,262,874 319,127 $1.38 $5.47 55.41 $31,495 Voss 8243040009 $16,320 6,650 10,084 $2.45 $1.62 2.09 $7,791 8243020025 $49,488 23,580 5,932 $2.10 $8.34 2.69 $18,419 12 8243020031 $56 32 4 $1.77 $13.99 0.04 $1,260 500 ml 7929800008 $4,689,254 3,161,867 3,163,925 $1.48 90.20 $51,985 7929800019 $258,185 230,679 38,462 $1.12 $6.71 6.14 $42,081 24 3256500004 $154 700 29 $0.22 $5.29 $4,287 3256500001 $8,597,768 6,009,440 6,013,352 $1.43 93.83 $91,627 3256500011 $747 2,295 96 $0.33 $7.81 0.18 $4,175 3256500009 $2,049,977 1,594,938 265,929 $1.29 $7.71 51.43 $39,856 8243040010 $4,092,276 2,646,001 2,647,724 $1.55 71.66 $57,104 8243020010 $749 12,112 505 $0.06 0.12 $6,000 750 ml 7929840011 $530,449 364,640 243,621 $1.45 $2.18 34.77 $15,254 850 ml 8243040011 $432,381 253,298 149,229 $1.71 $2.90 8.79 $49,164 1000 ml 7929800007 $10,240,735 9,548,359 4,775,479 $1.07 $2.14 91.40 $112,042 7929860007 $181,892 158,203 13,189 $1.15 $13.79 2.54 $71,500 7929810000 $4,033 4,364 182 $0.92 $22.17 0.54 $7,452 7929820000 $0 $0.00 0.00 3256500002 $14,595,770 12,570,181 6,286,801 $1.16 $2.32 93.79 $155,626 3256500010 $270,194 241,571 20,139 $13.42 7.22 $37,417 1500 ml 7929800005 $755,706 768,170 256,159 $0.98 $2.95 41.86 $18,054 3256500003 $5,174,794 6,068,945 2,023,788 $0.85 $2.56 92.03 $56,229 Sparkling - Plastic Perrier 7478000070 $4,589,895 2,853,049 2,854,906 $1.61 87.83 $52,258 7478091136 $10,671 10,279 1,714 $6.23 0.89 $12,044 0420000614 7478044629 $1,555,204 917,777 918,375 $1.69 53.64 $28,992 7478000402 $1,594 2,401 100 $0.66 $15.93 0.31 $5,075 San Pellegrino 0071847455 4150880008 $2,730,678 1,702,114 1,703,222 $1.60 51.78 $52,735 4150873445 $14,061 13,314 1,110 $1.06 $12.67 1.47 $9,565 4150873466 $1,541 1,335 56 $27.69 0.06 $24,887 7478063991 $2,529,990 2,486,103 1,243,390 $1.02 $2.03 92.54 $27,340 0071064864 4150880218 $4,070,026 4,010,195 2,005,643 $1.01 92.83 $43,843 Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG Data Ending Jul 10, 2016 *Units = Actual packages scanned Volume Equivalency = 500ml
Voss Competitor Summary (L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Competitor Summary (L-52, DRUG) Dollar Sales of Voss Competitors (% Growth vs. Year Ago Period) L-52 L-24 L-12 L-4 Glaceau Smart Water $69,502,642 19.6% $34,603,294 16.9% $19,038,077 18.4% $6,791,436 24.4% Fiji $33,471,199 13.2% $17,040,111 18.0% $9,209,354 25.2% $3,298,378 30.5% Evian $16,775,051 9.5% $7,825,907 6.4% $4,438,211 12.0% $1,611,566 22.8% Perrier $12,603,014 25.7% $6,177,631 24.9% $3,405,770 23.6% $1,209,314 24.0% San Pellegrino $6,881,832 (5.9%) $3,258,107 1.9% $1,712,503 5.9% $599,036 6.2% Voss $4,660,234 1.6% $2,430,382 9.3% $1,438,537 18.6% $515,974 27.6% Essentia $1,421,764 288.0% $810,456 128.4% $560,998 112.2% $244,549 132.7% Icelandic Glacial $570,820 (12.8%) $270,939 (3.4%) $148,268 5.8% $47,913 2.5% Core $554,982 1,006.2% $314,259 573.1% $193,072 469.1% $72,903 258.0% Aqua Hydrate $436,336 (25.1%) $225,676 (16.3%) $126,725 (8.5%) $50,616 13.0% Volvic $346,328 (19.8%) $109,532 (37.3%) $43,294 (54.6%) $7,067 (80.3%) Bai $24,023 0.0% $20,438 $14,473 $3,859 Mountain Valley Spring Water $13,177 (35.8%) $6,015 (24.3%) $2,944 (10.0%) $1,693 101.7% Saratoga $10,730 (23.0%) $4,346 (23.6%) $2,205 (26.5%) $636 (39.3%) Acqua Panna $9,613 $3,285 (56.8%) $897 (71.2%) $122 (85.1%) Eternal $5,844 (91.6%) $1,814 (93.1%) $1,183 (88.3%) $584 (63.3%) Resource $4,377 (99.0%) $847 (99.1%) $238 (97.5%) $71 (96.2%) Boxed Water $2,203 105.0% $707 (33.9%) $444 (50.6%) $208 (61.7%) Penta $35 14.4% $30 73.2% 123.2% $6 Gerolsteiner $4 $0 Just Ferrarelle Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016
Voss Competitor Summary (L-52, DRUG) Strictly Confidential Voss Competitor Summary (L-52, DRUG) Volume Sales of Voss Competitors (% Growth vs. Year Ago Period) L-52 L-24 L-12 L-4 Glaceau Smart Water 69,659,689 20.8% 33,922,305 12.5% 18,446,020 12.0% 6,782,037 17.3% Fiji 28,449,810 10.7% 14,612,729 16.8% 7,857,138 27.8% 2,851,896 36.2% Evian 14,341,889 2.7% 6,407,025 (2.8%) 3,615,100 5.2% 1,322,707 20.3% Perrier 9,308,920 23.8% 4,548,025 24.6% 2,477,445 24.9% 897,989 San Pellegrino 5,769,081 (5.3%) 2,689,935 (1.2%) 1,384,992 3.2% 506,635 6.0% Voss 2,972,322 (0.2%) 1,562,238 8.0% 926,397 17.6% 325,384 21.9% Essentia 1,256,983 249.2% 688,204 96.2% 458,812 73.2% 196,497 84.2% Icelandic Glacial 518,728 (23.5%) 255,556 (7.1%) 142,051 5.4% 47,089 8.9% Aqua Hydrate 475,156 (22.2%) 239,568 (16.8%) 134,451 (11.4%) 54,261 6.8% Core 400,614 967.4% 226,706 559.9% 138,487 474.9% 51,307 263.2% Volvic 273,203 (23.6%) 83,406 (41.4%) 32,529 (57.6%) 5,448 (81.4%) Bai 17,917 0.0% 15,277 11,198 3,050 Mountain Valley Spring Water 14,446 (28.2%) 6,644 (18.8%) 3,143 (9.1%) 1,609 72.4% Saratoga 10,708 (27.5%) 4,336 (26.8%) 2,210 (26.3%) 678 (31.8%) Acqua Panna 7,189 9.4% 2,492 (55.8%) 682 (70.8%) 68 (89.2%) Eternal 5,496 (91.3%) 1,603 (93.2%) 1,045 (89.0%) 481 (71.1%) Resource 3,970 (99.1%) 799 (99.4%) 257 (97.1%) 79 (95.4%) Boxed Water 1,501 95.1% 447 (41.8%) 292 (56.7%) 142 (66.5%) Penta 18 (6.6%) 15 65.0% 113.2% 3 Gerolsteiner 6 Just Ferrarelle Values are in Millions, Volume Equivalency = 500ml Source: IRI Infoscan, Total US DRUG , Data Ending Jul 10, 2016