Welcome to Riskville! - the river-mouth town RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
What do you need to make your own version of Riskville? A green felt mat representing the ground Blue ribbons representing streams and rivers A piece of blue cloth representing a lake or the sea A smaller piece of blue cloth representing a small lake Strips of grey paper representing a railway through the town Smaller strips of black paper representing town roads Blue pieces of paper representing pools of water Green pieces of paper representing grass (or other vegetation such as trees, bushes and flowers) Wooden blocks representing different types of housing, church, museum, school, shops, sports hall, industry premises, hospital, health care centre, water treatment plant, sewage plant, pizzeria, kiosk, cinema, hairdresser, restaurant, town hall, fire station, police station, county administrative board, elderly care residence, and other important public services. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Instructions to the game leader: During the course of the game, your job is to read instructions to the participants, lead discussions and keep track of the time. Framed texts are instructions to be read out to the participants. Unframed texts like this one are instructions to you. Use the little ’bell’ to signal that time is up. Begin by reading the statements below to the whole group: Riskville is growing fast and more and more people are discovering the attractive town near water. Our joint task is to develop the town further with the help of the objects on the table. Let’s start by taking a look at what is displayed on the green mat on the floor. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Instructions to the game leader: Read the statements below to the whole group, while at the same time pointing to what can be seen on the mat/in the town: Riskville is a mid-sized town. Like so many other towns, it is located where a river flows into the sea or a big lake. There is a lake in the vicinity of the town. The grey road is the main road connecting the town to other towns and countrysides nearby. You can also see minor roads in the town and a railway through it. The town is sparsely populated at present. Most buildings are marked so you can see what they are. You can also see residential houses, which all have red roofs. The church on the mat is located in the old town centre, which is also the current centre. In the ”game storage” of buildings and materials, there are also blue pieces of paper representing pools of water and green pieces representing grass. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Instructions to the game leader: Divide the participants into smaller groups of 3-4 persons per group. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Instructions to the game leader: Read the instructions below to the whole group: Each group will soon get an assignment. Read the assignment and decide together how to proceed. Carry out the assignment with the help of the materials on the table. All groups are allowed to build at the same time. You will have two minutes. Now hand out one assignment card to each group. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Instructions to the game leader: Circulate among the groups and help them get started (if needed). After about 2 minutes (instructions follow), you will interrupt the activity and let all groups in turn read their assignment and talk about it. Let the other groups ask questions and give their views since the aim of the activity is to encourage discussion and reflection. When about 2 minutes have passed, interrupt and read the following: Now you should: Read your assignment to the others Show where and what you have built on the mat Explain the group’s reasoning All other groups are encouraged to ask questions to the group! We will listen to one group at the time, starting with the first group now. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Read the following to the groups: Instructions to the game leader: Read the following to the groups: Each group will soon get to implement some changes in the town (add an extension, demolish, relocate, or any other change). What makes people move to a town and what aspects need to be considered when creating an attractive, safe and sustainable town? Take a look at the town you have built. You now have the opportunity to make the changes needed to make it the ideal town. Discuss in your group what you want to do and get started to implement changes! You have 5 minutes! If two or more groups want to change the same place and disagree, the original development will remain unchanged. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Instructions to the game leader: Circulate among the groups and help them get started (if needed). Interrupt after about 5 minutes (instructions follow). You will now ask all groups to give an account of the the changes made and how the group reasoned. Again, let the other groups ask questions and give their views, since the aim of the activity is also to encourage discussion and reflection. When about 5 minutes have passed, interrupt and read the following: Now it is time to show the changes you have made on the mat and explain your thinking. Ask questions to the group! We’ll start with the first group now. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Your town will now be affected by a climate-related event! Instructions to the game leader: Read the following to all players: Your town will now be affected by a climate-related event! Let a player pull and read an event card. Then read the following to all players: Together we will now mark some effects of the event we just heard about by placing ”pools of water” on the mat. Discuss where you think there are floods or damage. Together we’ll mark one or several impacts, as best we can. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
Read the following to the whole group: Instructions to the game leader: Read the following to the whole group: We’ll now discuss the following questions together (one at a time) : How serious are the effects? How big is the area affected? Could there be further consequences? Is any person’s life or health at risk? What measures could be taken to prevent similar damage in the future or to reduce the scope of damage? RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT Riskville has grown considerably and a Police Station is needed in the town. Build a station on an appropriate site! RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT The medieval church in the town is a popular tourist attraction. Construct a parking area in the vicinity of the church and a cabin village in a beautiful spot near water. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT The fire station caught fire and burnt down! Build a new fire station somewhere in the town. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT The residential area close to the lake needs a new road connection with the town centre at the other side of the railway. Construct a parking area near Strandlyckan and viaduct under the railway. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT Riskville residents do their shopping in the neighbouring town because the range of offerings is limited in Riskville. The politicians, however, would like the residents to shop locally. Town planners have been assigned the task to develop a shopping centre or a mall. Choose a location for shop premises and parking areas. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT A major problem in the town is that young people have a hard time finding accommodation. You are to build small-sized tenant flats in one or several locations near the town centre so that the young people do not become car-dependent. This is in line with the trend to densify towns to take advantage of existing infrastructures such as roads, grids and water pipelines. Build block of flats in one or several locations. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT The old hospital is too small for the growing town. More hospital beds are needed! Make an extension or build a new hospital in a different location. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
ASSIGNMENT In one of the industrial town areas there are many abandoned properties. Choose one of the industrial areas, demolish the industry premises, decontaminate the ground and build new residences for the growing population. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
One autumn it keeps raining day after day for weeks on end. CLIMATE RELATED EVENT One autumn it keeps raining day after day for weeks on end. As a result, the water level in the lake rises, flooding the beaches. When the level is that high, it will take months before the water recedes. Residences and other buildings situated near the river are flooded, as is the town sewage plant, which is now leaking sewage. Roads near the lake are flooded and impassable. Examples of consequences of this kind of climate-related event: Buildings are flooded Basements are flooded Rescue services are unable to get around People are prevented from leaving or going home Sewage is leaking from the flooded sewage plant. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
A thunderstorm hits the town with heavy cloudburst CLIMATE RELATED EVENT A thunderstorm hits the town with heavy cloudburst In the town centre, water is gathering in low lying spots. Viaducts are impassable and parts of the town are inaccessible by road. Basements are flooded and culverts close so water flows through the embankment instead, eroding the road. There are many hard surfaces (tarmac, stone or concrete) in a town, which means that water cannot trickle into the ground but must be managed by the rainwater system. Since more and more grass surfaces are often replaced by roads, parking lots and buildings, an efficient rainwater system is very important. Examples of consequences of this kind of climate-related event: Roads are flooded Basements are flooded when street water finds its way along garage driveways Culverts close and roads erode. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden
After a snowy winter the town is hit by a spring flood CLIMATE RELATED EVENT After a snowy winter the town is hit by a spring flood The water level in the river rises, houses and buildings in low lying areas near the river are flooded. Basements are filled with water and house-owners are busy saving their possessions. The river flow is strong and jetties, boats and other objects are carried by the flow and get stuck by the town bridges. The areas around the bridges are flooded along with viaducts for cars, bikes and pedestrians, and the traffic has to be redirected. The high water level lasts for a week. Examples of consequences of this kind of climate-related event: Basements are flooded Viaducts for cars, bikes and pedestrians are impassable Traffic has to be redirected. RISKVILLE – A game inspired by the Centre for Climate and Safety, CCS at Karlstad University, Sweden