PSCI 4252 Politics of Ethnicity & Nationalism Dr. Gregory D. Young
Nationalism What is Nationalism? Clash of Civilizations Some Definitions Good Nationalism? Bad Nationalism? Areas of Kurdish Habitation
Nationalism “Collective action designed to render the boundaries of the nation congruent with those of the governance unit” Hechtor “Culturally distinctive collectivity aspiring to self-governance.” “Political activities that aim to make the boundaries of a nation align with the state.”
What is Nationalism? Social Construct Modernization Theory Self Determination Cousin to Ethnicity How does it happen?
Definitions Governance Unit Nation State Building Nationalism Peripheral Nationalism Irredentist Nationalism Unification Nationalism
Bad Nationalism Not moral – only interested in advancing the interests of your particular group. Political extremism on behalf of any collective is bad. - George Orwell Nationalism is a political theory that believes the world is governed best when divided into diverse nations. – Kedourie Nationalist agitation over borders caused both WWI and WWII
Good Nationalism Nationalism can survive in countries with independent institutions of representative government. National Cohesion is key. Independent competition among groups spurs innovation Good borders make good neighbors Rise of nations has corresponded (largely with more ethnic and religious tolerance.
The “New” Nationalism
New Nationalism Trump’s, “Make American Great Again” /America First vs. Reagan’s“America as the shining city on the hill”
New Nationalism Napolean’s Grand Armee fought not just for the glory of France but for Liberty, equality and Fraterntiy beyond their borders
Global Chauvinism – Pessimism and the need for a strongman Trump, Putin & Erdoğan - Foreign Affairs is a zero-sum game where national interests must triumph (And China)
New Nationalism More Horowitz than Hechtor… Unites a country around common values to accomplish things they could never accomplish alone. Unites around common symbols and experiences shared Old “civic nationalism” is forward looking and conciliatory and relates to our “Good Nationalism. America first patriotism warps into the bad nationalism of ethnic conflict
New Nationalism Trump is an effect not a cause