East Kent University NHS Foundation Health Trust Martin Mayall Simulation East Kent University NHS Foundation Health Trust Martin Mayall
EAST KENT ACUTE HOSPITALS of EKHT Serves population of approx: 600,000
Simulation for F1s 2006 and 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 Taught our F1s at St. George’s Hospital 12 F1s East Kent 18 over 3 days 36 over 3 days All 60 over 5 days
Faculty 3 Resuscitation Officers 2 Nurses 8 Consultants Consistently available Paid [very reliable] Only 5 are consistent
Anaesthetic Simulation We have done 2 sessions for CT1s We have been asked to change to providing a session for all CT2s within Kent. This will be challenging as there will be 22 trainees requiring individual experiences.