Palazzo Arese Borromeo Palace Arese Borromeo, is an ancient palace in Cesano Maderno, between Monza and Milano in Lombardia in the North of Italy.
Palace Borromeo The palace was built in the 1600, by Bartolomeo III Arese , a count of Milano The palace has its original appearance
Inside the palace The rooms The palace has got 33 fantastic rooms, with frescoes made by the best Italian artis of the 1600. The most famous rooms are : “La sala dei fasti Romani” , “The room of Roman splendor” “La galleria delle arti” “ The gallery of the arts “ La sala detta “ del Castello” , “ The room of the Castle “
The garden The palace has a big beautiful garden. Here you can walk, read and relax. You can see beautiful flowers and trees.
A discovery The icebox In the past there wasn’t the fridge, so rich people , during the Winter put snow in a sub- room. Here they preserve ice for all the year.
Project :All the beauty is there Matta Marina Class 5^ B Project :All the beauty is there