Why can’t you use lightning to power electrical devices? Lightning releases large amount of electricity. Devices need CURRENT to flow.
What is electric current? Continuous flow of electrons through a material
What is the rate of electric current? Amount of charge that passes through a wire in an amount of time
Amount of charge flowing past a point each second What is an Ampere or amp? Amount of charge flowing past a point each second Andre Marie Ampere
Wire A or Wire B. Wire A has more amps… More amps means more electricity flowing There is more charges (electrons) flowing in wire A than in wire B.
Does electric current automatically exist in a material? NO WAY!!! What does it need? A specific and completed path to flow or follow
To produce electric current… Charges must flow from one place to another
What is an electric circuit? A complete, unbroken path through which electrons can flow
Why is a racetrack like an electric circuit? Cars can flow in a complete loop. If a piece is missing the cars can’t move.
What would happen if a piece of the racetrack was removed? Current couldn’t flow, so the cars couldn’t move.
Closed versus Open Closed Circuit Closed, complete, unbroken path Open Circuit Incomplete or broken path
What features do all circuits have? Device run by electrical energy called a resistor Source of electrical energy Connected by conducting wire
What are the roles of the following in a circuit? Energy Source Makes charges move around or flow in a circuit Resistor Transforms electrical energy into something (like light) Switch Opens and closes the circuit