World War One Final Details
The War Ends The outcome of the war on the Western Front was in question until the end. Bulgaria was the first to withdraw after Britain and France defeated them in Greece. The Turks surrender in October. Austria Hungary felt the pressure of renewed attacks from Italy and revolts by the many ethnic minorities. Allies promised freedom to the Poles, Czechs, Slovaks, and Croats if they joined the fight. Austria fell on November 4, 1918. Germany stood alone and, then, Germans in Berlin revolted and the Kaiser was overthrown. A new German republic signed an armistice on November 11th at 11:00A.M. The Great War had ended
Trench Warfare Important Points to Remember: Typically six feet deep Created stalemates “Over the Top” “No Man’s Land” Average width was 250 yards Always had to keep head hidden, constant fear. Boredom, suffered from shell shock Living Conditions were horrible. Drowning Trench Foot Rats Clouds of Flies
Helping Out on the Home Front World War One was a Total War and required all people to assist in their country’s success. What efforts were taken to assist? Food and materials were rationed. Victory Gardens Conscription Women took jobs typically held by men War Bonds Red Cross How did women’s role change? Industry work creating chemicals and ammunition. Bus Drivers Bank tellers Chemists and Mathematicians Nurses Cooks Drivers Mechanics
The Paris Peace Conference The victorious allies met in Paris on January 18, 1919. This session is referred to as the Versailles Peace Treaty. Directed by the Big Four: Britian David Lloyd George France Georges Clemenceau Italy Vittorio Orlando U.S. Woodrow Wilson Wilson sought a Peace of Justice He presented his “Fourteen Points” Speech Hoped to prevent any future international crisis. Self Determination, National Independence Hoped to create an international body of representatives so that future conflicts could be handled diplomatically.
The Paris Peace Conference Everyone else sought a Peace of Vengeance. Italy’s Orlando wanted lands promised in earlier treaties. Britain’s George wanted to protect Britain’s overseas empires and to punish Germany. France’s Clemenceau wanted to punish Germany for its role in the war. Italy and the U.S. both left the conference with their goals unachieved. This left France and Britain to negotiate the peace treaty.
Treaty of Versailles with Germany This was a severe treaty that attempted to humiliate and cripple Germany. Germany was required to: Turn over its navy. An army of no more than 100,000 soldiers. Return Alsace-Lorraine to France. France was to receive all coal production on the Franco-German border for the next 15 years. Relinquish all overseas colonies. Give a “blank check” to pay for war damages. Sign a guilt clause, taking total blame for the war. League of Nations was created in hopes of preventing any future world wars.
The New Europe The conference created treaties with the other Central Powers, as well. The German, Austro-Hungarian, Russian, and Ottoman Empires no longer existed. New countries such as Poland, Latvia, Lithuania, Estonia, Finland, and Yugoslavia were created. Many countries experienced changes to their borders. (France, Belgium, Italy, Greece, Bulgaria, Romania)