Tactical Personnel System (TPS) HR Plans and Operations Course Tactical Personnel System (TPS) TPS System: (1) Creates personnel deployment/redeployment manifests (2) Generates “jump” manifests (3) Automatically builds a deployed personnel database (4) Provides reports and queries on deployed personnel (5) Constructs task force organizations (6) Creates crews (combining personnel with weapons systems) Senior Leader Training Division Adjutant General School 8 March 2018
Terminal Learning Objective Action: Demonstrate the Tactical Personnel System Conditions: In a classroom environment, with access to a personal computer with Tactical Personnel System mobile training application loaded, TPS functional guidance, and scenarios. Standard: Students will meet the standard through scenarios based practical exercises. NOTE: Explain the TLO to the students. Standard: Students will meet the standard through scenarios based practical exercises.
Tactical Personnel System (TPS) MISSION Tactical Personnel System (TPS) is the manifesting tool of choice for uploading personnel data into the Deployed Theater Accountability System (DTAS) TPS utilizes: Barcode scanner functionality Joint Personnel Database Manifesting Learning Activities This lesson is organized around two basic areas: (1) Mission (2) TPS functionality, including establishing a TPS database, TPS updates, and individual information in TPS.
Manifesting APOE or any manifest site Theater DTAS APOD/SPOD PPP/CRC APOE or any manifest site Manifesting c. TPS is the manifesting tool of choice for uploading the Deployed Theater Accountability Software (DTAS). DTAS was designed to support TPS as the manifest tool. Since the field is satisfied with the manifesting functionality in TPS and the software and hardware has been proliferated, keeping it reduces the training requirement. Manifesting is facilitated by scanning the Common Access Card (CAC) card or by manually entering members social security numbers. Data to populate the manifest is derived from the most current authoritative sources available (eMILPO and or DMDC). Manifests done at power projection platforms or the Reception, Replacement, Return to Duty, Rest and Recuperation (R&R) and Redeployment (R5) centers serves as pending gain files for the receiving theater. APOD/SPOD TPS manifesting will provide input to DTAS Manifest a Service member, Joint Service Member, DoD Civilian, Contractor, or Foreign National Manifest a Unit Theater DTAS
Deployed Personnel Database (1 of 2) Task Force Visibility Deployed Personnel Database Strength Accounting for all Deployed Personnel; Military, DoD Civilians and Contractors Crew Visibility Manifest process automatically creates the deployed personnel database Deployed Personnel Database (1 of 2) a. TPS will be uploaded at the APOD by the R5 when arriving into country. TPS creates a “TRN” file that is uploaded into the DTAS APOD module, by the APOD R5 team. Personnel data is then passed from the NIPRNET to SIPRNET systems. Once units arrive at their locations and begin operations they will extract the data to their DTAS mobile systems.
Deployed Personnel Database Database Building Blocks (2 of 2) Building the Deployed Personnel Database automatically one manifest at a time DEPLOYED PERSONNEL DATABASE Database Building Blocks Deployed Personnel Database (2 of 2) b. When the TPS files are added to DTAS, they build the theater database to give a clear and concise picture to the commanders in country. FT HOOD Manifest FT STEWART Manifest FT RILEY Manifest FT BRAGG Manifest
TPS Download and Installation The Accountability Branch will send you a link to the Knowledge Center that contains a direct link to the folder.
TPS Download and Installation Click on the blue hyperlink to download the TPS Installer Make sure IT is present to complete installation Save the TPS Installer package on your DESKTOP
TPS Download and Installation (9 of 9) Once the application is installed, you will see two icons have populated on your desktop.
JPD Download and Update Download ALL z0# part files and the WinZip Archive file to a common folder. Leave the file types and names as is
JPD Download and Update Once you download all the files, you must then extract the JPD. To do this, you must “extract” the JPD file out of the Zip File (Named jpdSplitv2.zip) using an Unzipping tool
JPD Download and Update The JPD ready to be updated into TPS
JPD Download and Update Place the dated JPD on your C: Drive in a folder Copy and paste your Master and Service Master Keys to the same folder NOTE: The passphrases and keys are sent by encrypted email from HRC
JPD Download and Update Ensure all the files in the folder have the same year, month date Now you are ready to update the JPD into TPS
JPD Download and Update Once in the TPS Main Menu, select “System Administration”
JPD Download and Update
JPD Download and Update *Remember, the Keys and the JPD MUST be pulled from the SAME folder or your update will fail Now you will map the path to where you placed the JPD on the C: Drive
JPD Download and Update Select the JPD_YYYYMMDD.zip file
JPD Download and Update Now repeat the process for the Master Key and the Service Master Key
JPD Download and Update
JPD Download and Update
JPD Download and Update
JPD Download and Update Open the passphrases, copy and past them into the appropriate slots and click on “update”
JPD Download and Update When the process is done, it will say that it updated successfully. You may now close out your “Update JPD” screen and begin using TPS! *IF you receive an error, ensure that you take a screenshot of it WITHOUT unmasking the keys and send it to HRC.
Manifesting 29 TPS Main Screen d. TPS includes ten main functional areas. The main focus of the system is the Manifest and Personnel Function Keys. (1) Create New Deployment/Redeployment Manifest (2) Open and modify existing Manifest (3) Add personnel, UIC’s or merge existing personnel to a TPS manifest (4) Save Manifests in .XML, .CSV, and .TRN file formats 29
Manifesting Main 30 Manifest Main e. When the manifest key is double clicked the Manifest Main menu will come up on screen. 30
Create Manifest CLICK ON THE INSERT ICON THEN NAME THE MANIFEST AND SELECT SAVE ICON Create Manifest f. The user will click on the insert icon. Give the Mission No. a name and then select save. 31
Manifest DOUBLE CLICK ON THE MANIFEST TO OPEN THE FILE 32 Manifest Save g. Double click on the manifest to open the file. 32
Manifest Detail Click 33 Open Manifest h. Once you double click on the manifest, the selected file will open. Click the insert button. 33
Manifest Detail Click
Manifest Detail Click
TRN File (1 of 5) Click Mass Add of Personnel into a Manifest n. If the user wants to upload a TRN, CSV, or XML file, click on the button “Import TRN File”.
TRN File (2 of 5) Mass Add of Personnel into a Manifest o. Select the file you wish to upload, then click open.
TRN File (3 of 5) Mass Add of Personnel into a Manifest p. The TRN, CSV, or XML file will automatically be uploaded to the manifest.
Export a TRN File TRN File (1 of 2) Click “Export to TRN”
Export a TRN File TRN File (2 of 2) Select where to save the file and click the “save” button
SSN File (1 of 3) Click Mass Add of Personnel into a Manifest 41 k. Another way to add standard name lines (SNLs) to the manifest is to select the tab that says “insert multiple”. The user will then select UIC or Upload SSN File. If there is one specific UIC to upload, select UIC and then click “okay”. If the user wants to pull multiple personnel from different UICs, he/she can select “Upload SSN File”. This will allow the user to upload a text file of SSNs to a manifest and the system will automatically pull all associated data for those SSNs to the manifest. This is particularly valuable for building a task force. 41
SSN File (2 of 3) Mass Add of Personnel into a Manifest 42 l. The user will select the appropriate SSN (text) file from the system. 42
SSN File (3 of 3) Mass Add of Personnel into a Manifest 43 Load SSN File(3 of 3) m. The SSN file will pull all data associated with the selected SSNs and load them on the manifest. 43
Mass Add/Update/Change (1 of 4) CLICK ON THE UPPER LEFT CELL TO SELECT ALL PERSONNEL, THEN CLICK ON THE “EDIT MANIFEST DATA” BUTTON FOR A MASS CHANGE OR UPDATE Add/Update/Change (1 of 4) s. The user will highlight the names and select the “Edit” icon to conduct a mass change or update. 44
Mass Add/Update/Change (2 of 4) t. The fields the user selects to update can be conducted on one or multiple files. 45
Mass Add/Update/Change (3 of 4) u. The user will place the updated information in the selected fields and select the ok button. 46
Mass Add/Update/Change (4 of 4) v. The user will view the changes to ensure that the updates took prior to saving and closing the manifest.
Personnel Module / Manual Add Personnel Module/ Manual Add (1 of 2) w. The user can either select the personnel button from the manifest screen to add personnel to the manifest or the user can add personnel to the TPS database by selecting the appropriate icon under the Personnel section of the main screen. CLICK FOR MANUAL INSERT
Personnel Module/Manual Add When Manually inserting personnel, just fill in the appropriate blocks on the insert to manifest detail screen 49
View Personnel Information (1 of 2) q. The user will highlight a specific SNL to view the individual’s administrative data. DOUBLE CLICK ON THE BUTTON TO THE LEFT OF THE INDIVIDUAL’S NAME TO VIEW THE ADMINISTRATIVE DATA
View Personnel Information (2 of 2) r. The user can view the individuals data that is available off the JPD file or whatever information was manually inputted on the individual card. 51
Personnel Updates/Changes (1 of 2) y. Highlight the name of the individual that you want to update and then select the edit personnel data icon. CLICK
Personnel Updates/Changes (2 of 2) z. Make any necessary updates or changes and then select save. CLICK
Personnel Update/Change/ Database Search Personnel Updates / Changes / Database Search CLICK Personnel Updates/ Changes/Database Search (1 of 5) You can also make updates to personnel not on the manifest or do a database search if you select “service member” and then do a manual search Personnel Update/Change/ Database Search
Personnel Updates / Changes / Database Search Personnel Updates/ Changes/Database Search (2 of 5) Select the “binoculars” icon to conduct a search for personnel CLICK
Personnel Updates / Changes / Database Search Personnel Updates/ Changes/Database Search (3 of 5) If you know the Social Security Number, enter it or enter the individual’s name, then select okay.
Personnel Updates / Changes / Database Search DOUBLE CLICK Personnel Updates/ Changes/Database Search (4 of 5) You can then highlight the individual’s row and double click the cell to the left to update service members data.
Personnel Updates / Changes / Database Search Personnel Updates/ Changes/Database Search (5 of 5) You can then make any changes to the record, save and then close.
Building A Task Force CLICK Using the information from both the Personnel and Manifesting modules, you can combine personnel from various UICs into one combined military unit established to resolve a conflict, military deployment or other issue. Within TPS, this combined military unit is called a Task Force. The Task Force function is the place within TPS where you create, edit, and delete Task Forces. Once created you can then add personnel to Task Forces either at the UIC or the individual soldier level as well as consolidate multiple Task Forces into one Task Force. The Task Force function even allows you to view the personnel records of those assigned to a task force without exiting the function. The Task Force Main window is accessed by clicking Task Force in the TPS Main Menu and is the place in TPS where you create new task forces, edit existing task forces and delete old task forces. This window also gives you access to the Task Force Detail window where you can add and remove personnel from task forces either by UIC or individually. Adding a Task Force To add a task force, perform the following steps: (1) Click Task Force in the TPS Main Menu. The Task Force Main window is displayed. CLICK
Building A Task Force Click the insert button and name your Task Force (2) Click Add New. An empty record appears at the bottom of the Task Force list and becomes the active record. (3) Type a name in the Task Force Identifier field. This is a required field.
Building A Task Force Once within the Task Force, select “insert” to begin building your Task Force (4) Select an appropriate value from the Service picklist. The field defaults to Army Forces. This is a required field. (5) Type a description in the Description field. This is an optional field. (6) Click Save. TPS Saves the data and remains on the Task Force Main window. (7) Click the X in the upper right-hand corner of the window to return to the TPS Main Menu.
Building A Task Force Select the personnel that you want in your Task Force by “dragging and dropping the personnel to the left. Note, you can only create Task Forces form the UICs that you have populated previously.
Building A Task Force Once you have all the personnel in the Task Force, select okay to merge them into your Task Force manifest.
Building A Task Force
Report Name/Type Personnel Updates/ Changes/Database Search (5 of 5) You can then make any changes to the record, save and then close.
Check on Learning Q: What three formats does TPS allow you to save manifests as? Q: What are some of the actions that can be performed using the Manifest function? A: TRN, AMC, or PAS A: - Enter a new manifest - Edit an existing manifest - Delete an existing manifest - Assign personnel to an existing manifest - Remove personnel from an existing manifest - View information concerning personnel assigned to a manifest - Edit information concerning personnel assigned to a manifest - Save the assigned personnel list in TRN, AMC, or PAS formats - Insert a list of personnel in the TRN file format into a manifest - Add an entire UIC to a manifest Load SSN File(3 of 3) The SSN file will pull all data associated with the selected SSNs and load them on the manifest. (10) If the file loaded successfully, TPS displays a message informing you of the successful upload. Click OK and TPS returns to the Manifest Detail window. (11) If errors are present, TPS displays a message informing you that the upload was unsuccessful. (*) Click OK to return to the Manifest Detail window. (*)