The Sherlock Holmes for Diseases The a-z of epidemiology
Jon Snow
The REAL John Snow
The Roots of Epidemiology
Study of health related events Study of diseases within a population Method of collecting data to illustrate health outcomes of a population Based on quantitative data (scientific, systematic, data driven) Analysis of data to prevent diseases Determinants- Risk factors, causes, effects Distribution- Patterns, frequency Control of disease- methods of transmission At risk population- identify and target Public health, preventative medicine Strategies and risk factors Epidemiology today
Epidemiologist= Sherlock holmes of disease Epidemiological case studies of your chosen diseases- Rate of death- table and graph Causes and effects of the disease Symptoms of the disease Treatment Methods of transmission Government initiatives to control the spread of the disease At risk populations- patterns and frequency What could have been done better to prevent the outbreak or containment of the disease? Epidemiologist= Sherlock holmes of disease In pairs, choose 2 recent or historic epidemics and put together a case study
Explore Roots of epidemiology Herd immunity Exponential rates of transmission Different ways of transmitting diseases Difference between a virus and bacteria and a parasite Explore