Anthropology The Creation of Man
There are profound implications as to what we believe about the origin of man. If the evolutionary model is embraced, then man is simply the latest and greatest of long series of upward transitions of material being. If that is true there is no such thing as spiritual existence or moral values. If man is more than a material existence, what is he and how did he come to be what he is? The answer to those questions requires more than a painstakingly slow climb out of primordial soup. It requires special creation by an all-powerful being. This leads us to the only authoritative account of the origin of man. (Gen. 1:26-28 )
The creation of man was a matter of divine consultation, the plural being an obvious reference to the doctrine of the Trinity. There are many reasons for man being created last. Everything else that was created was made for man's benefit and use and thus was in place in advance of man's need. God made man. The word used means "to mold or shape, a particular substance.” He is the work of sovereign God.
Perhaps the issue of greatest importance is the fact that man was created in the image and likeness of God. This is not a reference to the physical appearance of God because God is a Spirit. (John 4:24) Rather it is a reference to essential characteristics. Thus mankind is a marvel of God’s creation. (Psalm 139:14)
In the Image of God Intuitive knowledge and reason. Col. 3:10; Gen. 2:19,20. Uprightness and holiness. Ecc. 7: 29; Eph. 4:24. Conscience. Rom. 2: 15. Will, or determinate choice, free moral agency. Worship of and communion with God. Dignity of presence. 1 Cor. 11: 7; Gen. 9:2.
Immortality of soul, and provision for immortality of body by access to the tree of life. Gen. 3: 22. Capacity for marriage, not like the consorting of beasts. Capacity for labor apart from the necessary struggle for existence. Speech, itself an infinite chasm between man and beast.
Created in the Image of God Man Eternal Becomes eternal at conception A Tri-unity Body-Soul-Spirit A Moral Agent Created as a Free Moral Agent Sinless Created without Sin Rational Ability to Reason A Spirit A Spiritual Being Volitional Created with a Will
God first made the elements which comprise the earth and then from these elements formed man. Every element in man's body is found in the ground. (Gen. 2:7) Because of the direct act of God in breathing the breath of life into Adam, the result was a living soul. Man became conscious of his own existence which includes a dynamic beyond the physical. (1 Cor. 15:45) As God formed man from the dust of the earth, God formed Eve from the body of Adam. (Gen. 2:21-23)
The Incarnation The truth of man’s creation becomes even more important in understanding the incarnation of Christ. He who was absolutely God became absolutely man.
Value of Man As God’s special creation we find meaning and purpose in a personal relationship with God through Jesus Christ. We recognize that we are indeed creatures of eternity and that every person is valuable and important. Every person who has ever existed on this planet will one day exist in eternity, either in God’s presence and blessing or in eternal judgment. We dare not take people for granted because God does not.